Monday, December 21, 2009
It's that time of year...
But I choose to write about the holidays!
Had to unfortunetly miss out on dad's side of family's get together. Sad!! I mean don't get me wrong I enjoy working service desk, and I know it's not walmart store manager's fault he didn't chooose to let the temps go but man oh man do we need there help.
Happily christmas is this friday.... almost ready for it.... just need a few more gifts and then to wrap them.
I'm excited!!! I enjoy getting to hang with everyone and well.... ok i gotta admit i do enjoy getting stuff too (i also enjoy giving it and surprising people)
While work will be fine.... i do wish i didn't have to go this week. or next.... or well i guess i could just skip out of all work... lol cause i'm just a lazy kid like that.
anyway i'm just excited about the season being here.
Monday, November 30, 2009
There are days...
It's also fun (some times funny) to see remakes of old movies.
Watched 'The shop around the corner' with James Stewart sunday and monday watched 'You've got mail' with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. Both good and vastly entertaining.
Watched the 1952 version of 'The importance of being earnest' which in turn made me want to watch the 2002 version I have starring Colin Firth and Rupert Everett.
Very fun! Both humorous for their own reasons (typically because they are comedies) and just all around enjoyable movies.
And speaking of movies, looking up info on these movies sent me to .... one of the best websites ever!!! You can find out almost anything regarding entertainment, tv shows, actors, movies, music... etc. While looking around on there saw the trailer for 'The imaginarium of doctor parnassus' and the new extended trailer for 'Percy jackson and the olympians: the lightning thief' I cannot wait for either they look so absolutely fantastic!!!
Awwww movies!!! They and books are my main source of enjoyment!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
The most we can do...
It doesn't have to be anything big, maybe just an inspiration to actually fix my hair today, or something deep like becoming a more humane human.
I love reading blogs and seeing how others work towards similar goals themselves. And I guess the thing that I've noticed about said bloggers, I don't think they actually are working towards said goals. Not that they don't hope to be a little bit better of a person day after day. It's just that that isn't what their life is completely about.
I think I look at blogs and go 'oh if only I could be like suzy' and I'm pretty sure that's not what the bloggers are out there trying to do. They aren't out there trying to make you see the lacking in your life. They are most likely out there hoping to write a funny memory to share, just to make you smile.
I think I've got it now. It's not about being profound with each sentence you write. It's living a life that happy and good (as much as you can) and sharing the funny with everyone else.
And maybe there is something just a little .... profoundish in that.
Monday, September 28, 2009
I swear each day drags by endlessly while I am at work, and yet I don't know where the time has gone.
Just yesterday it was the beginning of September and now it's virtually October.
*Blink* ... now it's Thanksgiving...
*Blink* ...... Forth of July again....
*Blink* ..... 2025?!?!?! Holy Guac!!!!
Side note, FINALLLY got my new Sharon Lathan book. ''Loving Mr. Darcy, Journeys beyond Pemberley" Getting close to the end and all I'm going to say right now is.... LOVE IT!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
In which I sigh
New or old, doesn't matter. I just love some good movies.
So yesterday on TCM they had a Jean Arthur marathon yesterday.
She a really good actress. And I really love some of the movies she's in.
I hadn't seen all of them, but I have now and they are some really good ones.
The devil and Miss Jones, You can't take it with you, Mr. Smith goes to washington, and Shane.
So good. She has a real flair for comedy but she can do serious too. Always a good find in an actor. I think my favorite two though were, You can't take it with you and Mr. Smith goest to Washington. Don't know why exactly, but it might have had something to do with Jimmy Stewart. You can't go wrong with Jimmy Stewart!
So after watching those movies and helping mom with some school stuff it was late but I really wanted to watch a tv show. I was intriqued by it.
Ok so I'm a sucker, I had to watch all of 10 things I hate about you. New tv show based loosely off of the movie. Same characters slightly different plot. Funny, cute, smaltzy but good none the less.
But holy guac! Ethan Peck!! Frijoles that boy! Ok I shouldn't call him boy, he is after all only 2 years younger than me. But man oh man. I admit I get weak in the knees over 'pretty' boys like anyone else. AND not only that but his voice, *excuse me a moment while I squee.....SQUEEEEEEEEEE* Could literally listen to him talk all day.
Here is another fun fact about him, which sort of brings me around to my old movie perspec.
Ethan is grandson of Gregory Peck, actor of such greats as, To kill a mockingbird and Roman Holiday. Those are my main ones for him. And I LOVE To kill a mockingbird.
That was just icing on the cake for me.
Aw family gotta love 'em!
Friday, August 28, 2009
In which I reminisce
See what I've written, try to decide if I was funny or not.
I noticed a few things today.
First, it seems that I either write rather short posts, or super long ones that probably aren't all that fun to read anyway.
Second, I noticed how many times I've blogged about cleaning my room. And this is going to be a little blurb about that very topic again, I STILL haven't cleaned it. So WRONG!!
I'm working on this instead of my room (momma you will be disappointed in this) and just in general feeling rather lazy.
Third, it made me really sad... but as I read a few posts I couldn't remember what the HECK I was talking about. I mean I knew at the time... but now?!?! And it was less than a year ago! I shouldn't be able to forget something like that. That's just weird.
Oh well I guess.
Don't know why I'm being so morose today, just..... not feeling my inner blog-goddess I guess.
Inner blog-goddess... *snort* I crack my self up sometimes. I don't have an inner blog-goddess.
In which I imagine
I mean wracked and I came up with a big ol' goose egg.
I was fresh out of creative juice.
And then I went to work. Which is actually somewhat of a mind productive place for me.
Some of my best work is inspired from my job.
And while it wasn't actually at work that this idea came to me, it was on the way back from that it did.
It's not actually all my creative-ness. I am borrowing from fun., which is the name of the band by the way. fun. That's their name. It's a keeper!
So I was listening to one of their songs on the way home and I know that I've stated that I would love to be an author. Well not just that I want to be an author. I just want to write, just one book would be nice. ANYWAY, my point is that I am frequently inspired with scene ideas by music or well any number of things. And this song put this scene in my head. And seeing as I had nothing else to write about I thought I would give you a sample of the type of writing I would do if only I could conjure up a whole story plot.
You'll have to listen to the song for the full effect. I recommend reading it through once and then you can skim it while listening the second time to really get the full scene.
By the way it's just easier to say this right away. This scene is taking place at a newly-wed's reception. Dinner is more or less over, people have had cake and it's just before the dancing and such. Everyone is talking.....
"Scene inspired by 'The Gambler'- lyrics and music entirely by fun."
"Ok everyone, now is the time that I am going to do something special for my lovely wife and make a bit of a fool of my self. This happens to be one of her favorite songs and it doesn't actually apply to us yet, but I hope it does some day so yeah... enjoy this." the groom says causing his new wife to turn to him in surprise and look at him questioningly.
He just smiled in response.
A lovely tune begins to play on a piano, the bride turns in surprise to see her mother-in-law playing.
And then she hears her husband begin to sing.
"Slow down, we've got time to be lazy.
All the kids have bloomed from babies, into flowers in our eyes.
We've got 50 good years left to spend out in the garden.
I don't care to beg your pardon,
We should live until we die."
Suddenly a violin player stands among the friends at the reception and joins in the song, drawing the bride's attention for just a moment before she turns back to her groom.
"We were barely 18, when we crossed collective hearts.
It was cold, but it got warm when you'd barely crossed my eye.
And then you turned, put out your hand,
And you asked me to dance.
I knew nothing of romance, but it was love at second sight.
I swear when I grow up I won't just buy you a rose."
All the bridesmaids and flower girls suddenly brought the bride multiple and varied bouquets of flowers, making the bride laugh even as she teared up a little.
"I will buy the flower shop, and you'll never be lonely.
Even if the sun stops waking up over the fields,
I will not leave. I will not leave 'til it's our time."
The groom holding out his hand,
"So just take my hand, you know that I will never leave your side."
The groom points to the new members who are now joining in. The best man is dressed in a bib and bonnet and is kneeling on the ground.
"Well it was the winter of '86, all the fields had frozen over.
So we moved Arizona to save our only son."
The best man rips off the baby gear and stands proudly as a man again.
"And now he's turned into a man, though he thinks just like his mother.
He believes we're all just lovers, he sees hope in everyone."
The best man hands the bride the receiver of a telephone that has a long cord attached to another receiver that the maid of honor is holding, who is wear sunglasses with big cardboard blue eyes pasted to them. A few more members join in playing brass instruments.
"And even though she's moved away,
we always get calls from our daughter.
She has eyes just like her father,
they are blue when skies are gray.
And just like him she never stops.
Never takes a day for granted, works for everything that handed to her.
Never once complains."
"You think that I nearly lost you.
When the doctors tried to take you away."
The bride's hand is again taken by the groom as friends and family wheel in a portable fireplace that is 'lit' up.
"But like the night you took my hand beside the fire,
nearly 30 years ago to this day.
You swore you'd be here 'til the day we decide that it's our time.
But it's not time, you've never quit in all your life.
So just take my hand, you know that I will never leave your side.
You're the love of my life, you know that I will never leave your side."
The groom gets up and joins the bridal party on the dance floor and dances a regency era dance befitting the music. He stumbles through a few of the steps but it's the moment that means so much to the bride and she can't help but laugh. By the end of the instruments flourish he rushes back over to finish his song to his bride.
"You come home from work, and you kiss me on the eye.
You curse the dogs you say that I should never feed them what is ours."
The ring bearer brings a tiny puppy in for the bride that has a bow tied to it's collar.
"So we move into the garden,
look at everything we've grown,
and the kids are coming home,
so I'll set the table.
You can light the fire."
Everyone cheers as the song ends and the bride still laughing kisses her husband as he gently wipes away the few tears that his love and care has caused.
"Thank you! Thank you everyone!" the bride finally says into the mike making everyone laugh some more. The reception resumes the normal proceedings of first dances and more, but it will be a special moment that everyone, especially the bride will remember for the rest of their lives.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
In which I giggle
Today is one of those days.
I love that at work there are people who look at me and different things happen automatically.
For example, Jessica looks at me and can't help but smile/laugh. I think it's my goofy faces but who knows.
But my favorite is Talina (who's name by the way I LOVE! Taaaaaah-leeena!! So fun) who can't help but get the Charles' in charge theme song stuck in her head every time she looks at me.
I LOVE that! It's so funny! And I know it's happened too because she'll look at me and wave hi, then all of a sudden she scowls and I know the song has arrived!
I am just pure evil! What else can I say.
I suppose I should explain why the song gets stuck in her head.
But it's much funnier to me that some of you don't know.
You just think that people look at me and get a random song stuck in their head.
Aww!!! I win!
Friday, August 21, 2009
I mean it's not a permanent loss I've suffered. (My mom's cell phone took an unexpected dip and is no longer functioning.) But it's still hard.
Little things that I want to tell her escape my memory by the time I see her. And when boredom sets in she's the one I'd talk to for entertainment. And she was the one I complained to when things were giving me fits.
So now I'm in a pickle!
I'm sitting here deeply in lament. Wishing I could again speak to her. Just once!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
In which I decide
Not only that but I wish my blogs were more entertaining.
I also wish that all of my writing was more entertaining.
So I've come up with an idea that will hopefully make me a better writer.
Lots of authors that I like to read have been asked how to become better writers, and their suggestions are usually to write.
Just write, always write. If you're writing then you are using your mind and learning better ways to use your words.
So this is my new mission.
To write.
It may not be impressive and it may not actually work, but I've been trying.
I want to be more perspective and ... oh I don't know insightful.
So although it may be short, I am going to try and post everyday. And I've been writing a journal.
They may be simple goals but I'm still gonna try.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The ol' gray cow....
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
In which I freak out
I learned about new bands.
I learned about new fashion. (Humor-har)
I learned I apparently can't handle large crowds very well.
Shocked me. But I don't think it was just the crowd it was the entire situation.
You see, it our second day of the festival (sunday which was actually day 3 of pitchfork) and it was almost time for the last band. The Flaming Lips! WOOOOO!! If you don't know the Flaming Lips I feel sorry for you! They are an AWESOME band!
Anyway back to the story.
My brothers and I had packed up our gear and headed into the fray while the band before the lips, were still on stage. That way when those fans left to watch something else or whatever we would be able to move up politely into those empty spots. Get our selves into good positioning for the final concert! We took our time, only moved into empty spots when they became available. Easy!
So we had gotten, fairly close within confettie distance at least, and had at least an hour to kill.
Now I suppose I should have mentioned that the day before when we had gone over to watch Beirut, we had people say "Excuse me" we'd make a path for them and then they just stood right in front of us. Wanted to knock their blocks off. But this was far far worse.
Ok so Flaming Lips is the Head lining band, so of course people want to see them, and of course they also want to be close. But here's the thing. Knocking people over in your quest to get closer to the stage?
I mean seriously people, common sense? Yeah I thought so.
But I am getting ahead of my self. Ok so we had gotten to about the position we wanted to get too. (but if a big opening had occured we would have tried for it) So we were just chillaxin and having a good time, thinking about the fact that we had an hour to kill standing in one spot, but at least we kept getting glimpses of Wayne and Steve and so on.(Lips in case you were wondering) People were kinda gently pushing against our backs in an attempt to get the whole crowd to move foward so they could be closer.
I am still doing good at this point.
Don't know how it happened really, I think it was the guy who came to sit with his group of peeps (also not cool by the way, taking up lots of room sitting when everyone else is standing) and made me stand really close to the people that were in front of me, like wicked close, so close I might as well have been part of this couple.
Now I have a very large personal space bubble, but I can shrink it down in crowds, but this was beyond my comfort level. Their's too I think. But I couldn't help that. And it made me further uncomfortable when more people around me decided to sit. There honestly wasn't room for that, unless they wanted to be stood on.
And the other problem with them sitting? It made it look like there were big gaps that people could come fill. So there had been a few stragglers who shoved their way through and then got to our area and realized, oh crap there isn't anywhere for me to stand, and happily most moved on, but not all.
And then...... oh and then....
Ok so we were crowded, I'm getting really uncomfortable from the odd stance to accodomate people close to me sitting and standing. When out of no where, I hear a voice say "excuse me" with an infliction that hinted at the fact that they didn't really care. I braced my self thinking, 'No way, there just isn't anywhere for me to move, find a different path'... When
*WHAM* I get knocked down.
Ok so they shoved me and seeing as I literally only had the one spot for my feet I got tangled and couldn't keep my blance and fell backwards.
At least my brothers were standing behind me. I mean I knocked into Jacob really hard. But ya know not as bad.
But this evil twit who shoved me just stops right where I had been standing. My brothers braced me and stood me back up and made a slight adjustment so I had a place to put my feet but she and her little posse just stood there. Josh flipped!
He literally snapped, I mean Josh is a mellow guy but I guess you don't knock his sister over and not even look to see if she's alright.
"Are you kidding me? No. Keep moving" he says and grabs the twit's backpack. She spins around, knocking into more people all offended.
"Move where?"
He just points and says 'That way'
"There are people over there." (Brillant one this evil twit from hades)
"There are people here." I snap at her. She just gives me this 'oh please' look.
Josh was still hoppin mad. "There isn't room here, people moved from over there, keep going."
"Did you just grab my backpack?" She suddenly asks like that's the worst crime ever committed.
(No ok, not super cool to grab a backpack but it was just to get her attention not like he yanked her off her feet... or ya know knocked her off her feet)
"Keep moving." he just says.
"That really rude, you just don't grab some one's bag" She looks to me like 'are you really with this guy'.
"It's really rude to knock people down." I say, she responds with the 'oh please' look again. (Can I punch her now. I mean I don't get angry all that often but man oh man please can I?)
I think she got a look at the situtation and realized there are three quite large people (two males) mad at her right now and she is there with her group of two tiny females and one little emo boy. Ok new tactic. Get on the big girl's side of things, get her to feel for you.
"That's just what a concert is, yesterday I was watchin a band and this girl in front of me kept flicking her hair into my face. You just deal"
Seriously?!?! You think getting smacked in the face with someone's hair, while not nice is the same as knocking people over in your quest to be closer to the bloody stage?!?!?! Ok fist is forming.....
Little emo dude is trying to calm everyone down, I don't think he wanted to defend his friend's honor against my brothers. Finally she just turns around (Her and her stupid backpack) and trys to ignore us. I guess it was hard to do because she kept shooting dirty looks over her shoulder at us, she started talking to the people around us about the rudeness of some people at these things.
I am not cool anymore.
I still want to punch this twit, and all her friends, I want to take out all the stupid sitting people and on top of all that I am standing with my feet on top of each other cause I have no room and I'm leaning really far back because of her stupid bag.
I lost it.
I freaked out. I admit it.
The breathing turned to wheezing and I was getting tears in my eyes and I was literally freaking out. I turned to my brothers said "Give me the bags" (we were smart and had our bags at our feet) and said "I can't take it, I'm freaking out. I'm out" and waited for them to part. Jacob seemed shocked but I was seriously gonna start punching and puking and screaming. I had to get out of there. Josh grabbed the bags from Jacob and started to leave, I told him he didn't have to move but he just made a path for me to get out of there.
Gotta say people are much nicer about moving when you are leaving and crying and hyperventilating. They smile at you like 'aw poor little lamb' and move for you. Annoying but it worked.
We got out of the crowd and I am crying a bit more cause I feel so bad making Josh miss the show, but I can't talk about it, I can't freaking breathe.
He opens the chair we had with us and tells me to sit, asks if I want a drink. I just shook my head trying to calm down. I really didn't want to throw up but that seemed like what I was going to do.
ANYWAY... I finally calmed down and the show started which was making me cry (ya know tears running down my cheeks, not sobbing) cause I am making Josh miss the show, but he said it was ok he had been just about to send the stupid twit crowd surfing. Show was awesome, but I didn't get to watch it from the place that I had wanted too.
Suffice it to say I apparently can't handle large crowds cause once I was out of that I was able to cool out. Sorta.
I still feel bad for making Josh move, though I did tell him he could stay. And I wish I hadn't let that stupid twit get to me but.... what are ya gonna do.
That was a kinda crappy way to end what had been such a great festival. But we still go to see the Lips. So all's well that ends?
What's your opinion? Did I freak out or what?
(wow that was a long story)
In which I couldn't help but laugh

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
In which I hear some music

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The theater, the theater....
But let's stick with the Harry Potter review for now....
I loved it! I gotta say I really enjoy David Yates directing style (he also directed HP5) I think he/the screenplay writer have done a fabulous job of fitting as much of the story line in as they can. You gotta admit that they are big books so it's no easy task. The only thing left out of 5 that I missed was the quidditch (I mean come on! Ron is the King in that one! Weasley is our King!) and the only thing that I wished they had covered more in this one are the 'horcruxes' what each one is/could be. Thing is I think they figure most people that watch these movies are also fans of the books, so not EVERY TINY THING needs to be covered. But I think it just would have saved time for the next films. Now it looks like Harry and pals will have to 'figure' it out all on their own.
Having said that, I loved everything else about this movie. I loved Dumbledore even more this one. I think most people will agree that the original Dumbledore was the Dumbledore, but seeing as he passed... well this new one has been growing on me more each film and I gotta say this one, he was just about the perfect 'Dumbledore' for me. A nice combo of spry wit and old age showing through. I like that, when Dumbledore makes those off the wall comments that just make you blink in surprise... It's just great! And you may not like him, but you gotta admit Albus Dumbledore's got style!
The kids are as great as ever, and I do so love goofy Harry/Ron! When they have both taken a potion (Ron a love one, Harry the luck one) they are so.... so..... Just so funny. I love getting to see silly sides! And they do great jobs of behaving in believable ways. Poor Hermione just can't seem to catch a break when it comes to love! And I loved her story about her dad needing stitches! Makes me laugh.
I really do believe that this movie is one of the best so far.
It does make me sad to say... only two more to go. (But at least I can say two yay that!)
Now for my squealing..I think I might have actually squealed out loud with my unbelievable joy when I saw/figured out what sneak peek trailer I was watching.
I am so excited about Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief!!!
I didn't even know that was going to be made into a movie! You just wouldn't believe how excited I was to learn of that. It was possibly the most exciting thing for me that night.
Now I say that and maybe you are thinking to your self... what kind of crap is that. Kid goes to see the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and she didn't even enjoy it as much as a trailer?
I'm not saying that at all! It's just that I knew I was going to be watching Harry Potter, I knew what to expect in that movie, I mean I've read the books how many times?? But the trailer that was a complete and TOTAL surprise! So it was the most exciting bit of the night. Not necessarily my favorite part of the night, but the most.... well surprising!
All in all a really great time to be had with me mum and pally Sarah.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Ok so i am lame...

and then this is kinda how i would like to do my short hair...
alice cullen

inspired by alice (kind of a play on her hair)
and here is another choice... i actually like the thick line of bangs, doubly so with the messy layers
so what do you think??
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
There are days....
But doing that did make me.... well a little sad. Course that could also be from all the friends and family getting married lately. And here is little ol' me single as ever.
It's not so much that I need a significant other, it's that it would be nice to have a special someone who shares a more intimate aspect of your life. Also I can't help but seem to want more out of my life.... I want an actual career, not a job that is just something I do for cash, but something that I enjoy and actually chose to do. Hence some more school this fall. I would actually like a home of my own. Not a rental-type of thing, but a home. One in which I can do what I wish.
I think that comes from the bathroom remod that's been going on here at home. I'm not saying that I want to do the bathroom differently from how it's being done. I'm saying that I want my own to do anything I want. Purple carpet, red walls, green ceilings, blue furniture... ya know anything (by the way would NEVER combine those things... I was just throwing that out there)
I think... and this is a rather shocking thing for me... but I think I'm actually growing up.
I think I've matured and now want things that are more adult. Which is just surprising as all get out.
But there it is. I was super surprised when one of the csm's at work tonight said she was surprised to learn that I wasn't her age. I asked why and she said I am just so mature she assumed that I was older than 24.
Blew my mind, I can honestly say that the number of people who have said that I was mature for my age is oh...... about 1 now. (Hee hee... I'm not really I have a very high immaturity level)
But knowing how I have been feeling lately... maybe I am getting more mature.
Well it was bound to happen at some point. (Don't worry it's not to very serious yet I still have lots of silliness in me)
Monday, June 8, 2009
It's been way, way, waaaaaaaaaay too long since I've blogged on here.
Not really any excuses either. Just haven't.
First I didn't have anything I wanted to say, then I couldn't seem to find the time, and well..... just haven't.
So here is a quick run down.
Work has been an almost everyday type of thing, which is good in the money sense.
Had a girl's day with Grandma, Aunt Donna and momma, shopped, watched a movie, ate and laughed.
Watched a couple of movies with my friends, not to mentioned played some good ol' RB!
Been trying to find bridesmaid gowns for pal-y Sarah's wedding, finally got those ordered this weekend which is good..... still have to find the shoes though.... gonna have to look around for those.
Still trying to find an outfit for pal-y Lindsay's reception, got some cute bottoms but haven't figured out a top yet.
Went to a couple of wedding-ish functions, a bachelorette party and a bridal shower... that was all in one day too!
Re-modeling the bathroom..... ok so I've only helped along about 1/6 of the progress... my brother has been pretty much heading up this project and he has completed most of the work, mom has done everything else that he hasn't. I am just a big slacker. I did help come up one of the major colors though.
So those are the things that are happening around me right now.
Next weekend is to go like this.... Free day-Friday, Wedding/reception-Saturday, Fireworks trip?-Sunday.... the trip, the trip, if nothing else I do believe my brothers are going to go and I'll hitch along with them but they had been wanting it to be a big group of people cousins and uncles and fathers and whatnot, so who knows.
I can't really think of anything else to say.
This whole thing hasn't been very witty or even funny.... just thought I'd do a little catching up.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
There must be something in the air...
I could blame the new job which exposes me to other sickies not to mention all their money which is coated in germs no doubt. But I've been leading a very sheltered existence lately so work has also forced me out into the world where I've been forced outside where the pollen can get me.
So either I've caught something from an evil customer who shared far to much of themselves, or the outside world has struck me down.
Either way I've got a sore throat, ucky cough and sore ears too. (Personally I'm thinking outside world... feels like a sinus infection to me I've had enough of those to know)
Anyway, I don't know if any of you have noticed but I am a bit of a complainer.... it's how I do... anywho.... I complain a lot!! But I've been trying to keep the whining to a minimum....
Now I look back at this post and realize that I've failed horribly.... when I feel it's ok to blog about being sick I am obviously complaining freely.
So sad (pathetic sad, not ya know... heart wrenching sad)
Oh well.... just how I do
Lates (cough cough)
ps. maybe it has something to do with the sickness... but I am having the aboslute hardest time spelling correctly tonight.... hmmmm must look into this.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Ha! Who knew I was such a genius?!
So I've been working on a story, have most of it written really... but I decided it needed re-working. Rules changed, circumstances and what not, even a few characters changed.
At first I thought I was a big idiot for even attempting to change my story which was rather complicated and involved anyway.
SURPRISE!!! Turns out what I've wanted to change has worked out quite brilliantly. See genuis!
Just never knew how utterly brilliant I was.
Well I'm off to continue my great stroke of brillance!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Well it's finally offical
They kept me in the dark as to where exactly I would be working. Now that has been revealed to me too, I am to be a cashier. It was debated whether I would be a Garden Center cashier (which I kinda wanted) and a regular cashier, so ya know... now I know.
So, I guess that's all I got. Supper is ready and I'm hungry for a yummy burger and FUNYUNS!! Oh how I love me some funyuns!! Yumer yumer yumer!
Friday, April 17, 2009
How vast and deep...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Oh so very very yummy!

Recently I found a 'continuing tale' entitled Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy, Two Shall Become One. Oh my word so good. Sharon Lathan is so talented. Not only did she gracefully combine the two stories, making it seem like something Jane Austen her self could have written, she does it in such a way that it still gives her her own voice. Really good stuff.
Only and I do mean only, downside to this novel is that it's only the first one, there are two that have scheduled releases coming up soon-ish and more to come after that.
So ya know, having to wait is a real bummer but hey what are you gonna do?
So very very good, and not only that she has her own website (as many author's do) and it has fun things for all to enjoy as well! check it out if you are a fan, see all the fun things you can see!
Welp I'm off. Gots to find something else fun to read!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Easter and stuff
I'm really diggin this one right now though, so it'll probably be awhile before I change it again.
I think it's got a nice spring vibe flowin through it.
So I don't know if it was my subconscious mind's way of reminding me that Easter was here when I had forgotten, but I had a wicked weird dream. (Nothing new there eh?)
I'm not going to go into the details, not the point of this entry (don't know that if it actually has a purpose but whatev) my point is, isn't the brain odd. It does what it can to help us even if we do have a few misgivings about it. Good ol' brain. Further proof that it wants us to succeed.
Ok I think I am now done rambling in my sleep befuddled state. (Just thought I was due to blog and this was all I could think of to talk about)
Oh and ...........
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The best laid plans...
Well I guess I should qualify that... I can be extremely reliable when it comes to certain matters.
But then on others...... well.....
I've had several plans ruminating in this ol' noggin of mine. And this past Saturday I put another one in there. I came up with an idea for a scrapbook type of project. I really want to make these things!!! (And no I won't say what it is... there are people out there who it WILL remain a surprise for!) Thing is... I have several other things I need to do before I can do the fun things.
So here is what I do. I make lists... lots of lists.
Current list:
Edit Jess' paper. --- Dishes at Sarah's.
Clean room. --- Call Walmart.
Clean anything. --- Clean for Cheryl.
Work on story. --- Work on scraping project.
You see my problem. I make a list and just don't follow through.
Ok so I've started a couple of them. But..... I can almost guarantee that the entire list won't get finished.
Ah if only I was more reliable. What are ya gonna do??
ps. called walmart since writing this.... the whole process is just dumb!! Makes me not want to job.... well almost.
p.p.s oooh!! Look at that!!! One more item off the list!!!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Don't get me wrong... I would love a job, I just.... is it evil to say I really didn't want to work for walmart again, and now that I've admitted it out loud at least more than once, I probably won't get the job. It's not so much walmart, or the job (cashier in L&G) it's.... I dunno, I guess it's that I've done walmart and I know that it's not something that easily leads to bigger and better ya know? Then again most jobs that I've had don't exactly lead to that so.....
Anyway on with the complaining... yes complaining.... I feel that my blog has become a place for me to vent my feelings, whether good or bad.
I knew some of the people going in, I mean hello I worked at that store half a year and shopped there besides, yeah I should know some of the people. So that was ok, kinda nice actually. But I hate stupid interviews.
The questions are supposedly designed to find out how good you are at teamwork, multi-tasking, handling responsibility... stuff like that. Questions like give me a time when you were working with a team, what was hard about it, what did/could you do to make it better, what did you learn from it all?
I mean, the heck?!?! Could we make this any harder? Not to mention, anyone can make up a story to paint themselves in a good light, and you wouldn't know that they are actually a really bad person to have working for you until they are causing you problems, or someone could stammer all over their answer and sound incompetent and in truth they are dedicated employees.
Ok I get that they have to try and weed people out some how, but I seriously hate those type of questions.
Don't know if I got the job. Who cares that I worked for Walmart for more than a year, who cares that I've done this exact type of job for around 5 years. It all depends on if the stupid computer thinks that I answered the questions well enough to go ahead and hire me.
*sigh* why couldn't I have heard from the library. I really want that job. I mean really really really want that job. But it's probably already filled.
Oh well... such is the life.
And again don't get me wrong, if walmart wants to hire me, I'm all for it.... just feeling anxiety over it all.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
My day is just not complete...
I feel so much better!!!
Which means?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! ehh??? any one?!?!
That's right! I... without even being there (well at least not at the exact moment of the evilness I've wrought) I have tortured Sarah's fragile little mind!!! Muahahahah!! Heh! That's what she gets for putting the info in MY mind in the first place!!!
Who can I torture tomorrow?!?!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Isn't it odd...
So there are no sure fire guarantees in life, but there are some fun little surprises sometimes.
Even if said surprises aren't exactly what we were looking for, they are usually something we can enjoy, and just maybe the path to something better.
Isn't it just a little odd...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Ah, Spring!
I've been feeling very spring-y today, not like I was a spring, but very much in love with spring, spring-y. You see the difference now.
Didn't want to wear half my wardrobe because the colors were just all wrong. When I finally decided on a good spring-ish top I had to dress it up with my new necklace! SOOO cute!! Also took a page from that cutie Elizabeth K. and gave myself a headband. Just needed something cute for the hair ya know?
Yup definetly spring time! And if you need further proof you should listen to the first song on my music play list. If nothing else you'll get a good laugh.
I chose the green color in honor of st. patty's.... can anyone explain this tradition to me? Why do people get pinched if they don't wear the color?? It's just beyond me.
Ok so St. Patrick's color is actually blue, so you see we shouldn't even wear green (techinally) but I guess enough Irish people would wear shamrocks and call it 'wearing the green' and that's how that got started. But WHY the pinching??!?! Still so lost on that front.
You just might be shocked to know that while selecting my spring outfit I did NOT choose any green. (and I'm a girl who likes her green clothes) But I say I was safe for I have a green purse! Well, and I further provided safeguards against pinching fingers by wearing blue and yellow, and anyone who knows their color wheel knows that blue and yellow make green! You see!!!! I was safe all along.
Welp I'm off to see if I can't find a few pretty spring flowers to capture pictures of.
Let it be known,
I am going to get my self in gear!!! Seriously! I am! I'm gonna exercise, cause I really need it. I'm gonna try harder for those jobs, cause I really need one, and I'm gonna stop being such a lazy bum!!!
*to any heavenly powers that be... could ya maybe help me out a little? Please?!?*
Friday, March 13, 2009
It's all on the list...
Step two: edit the story like I promised about four months ago (I am the worst person ever!) CHECK-ish
Step three: clean the room that's needed it for a really really long time (it only ever got cursory cleanings) again the cursory work continues, at least I started again though
Step four: Start typing! (I have about three story starts that I've been wanting on the computer I'm just to lazy to type it up *plus I owe an update*) can't even put a faint check on this one
Step five:! (if this thing is even going to be worth having I MUST blog) working on that check right now
Step six: Gots ta head to my paying gig! *at 5* (But let it be known!! I told her she didn't have to pay me)
Ok I think I'm out of steps, but that's the current list. I'm sure there are others who would like me to add more to it (my mother for example would most likely like me to add cleaning the toy-D room but ya know.... we'll see, maybe that will be a surprise step)
If you can think of any steps I might need to add let me know! It might be important!! Ok off to try and make a bigger dent on two or three (I really want to have three done I just don't want to have to do it)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
I'm a slacker and that's ok, I sleep all night and I sleep all day...
It's still true. I am SUH-LAC-KING!! Last post about v-day... have I no pride??
Ok I have pride I just haven't really had anything to blog about. It would help if anything ever happened in my life. But pretty much it's always the same day in, day out. And not really any of it is exciting.
What's a kid to do?
Well, it still holds true, nothing new to report.
I guess I can tell you that Valentine's day was really fun, lots and lots of laughter. The baby shower, also fun. Miss got lots of cute stuff for baby Mackenzie.
Saw her and Ben, Brad and Linz, and Sarah and her cousin Melissa this weekend. We all went out to eat at the mexican place here in town, Love that rice and cheese man! Again lots of laughter. So that was some fun to be had.
After diner Sarah, Melissa, Lindsay and I all went back to Sarah's for some more fun. They like to torture me they do. Picking on me! So cruel! ;)
Anyway, that's it. Not really much of anything else to report.
See... I told you nothing happened.
So what is a kid to blog ABOUT?!?!
I guess about nothing.
Sorry for the rambling.... but it'll probably happen again so ya know, there it is.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I am a little undecided actually...
sorry phone. It's not that it's not cool. It's more that I've been helping mom figure out stuff on hers and well... now I like hers. Mine is fun too though! Don't get me wrong. I got an enV2 and it's neat-o! I love the keyboard, wasn't sure I would, but I do. I just need to play around with it. Gots to figure out where everything is. I'll really like it when I have all of my music on it. That will be even more fun, I enjoy getting to use mom's phone to listen to music so it'll be fun to do the same with mine.
But we'll see in a few weeks time. I'll probably love it! I definitely already love it more than my old phone.
On a different note...Valentine's day is this weekend. As we all know... I'm pathetically single, but a group of friends/family is getting together and going out to eat. So Saturday is going out to eat with friends.
Then Sunday is one of said friend's baby shower! So that will be fun too. Busy busy weekend!
Welp I'm off to play with the fun some more.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Cleaning day... *eesh*
And of late.... yeah not really at all.
But .... and it's been a long time comin'... cleaning day is finally here.
I think...
I mean so far it's going ok, it's starting to look like a habitable room again... but I bet I could be doing a far superior job.
If I buckled down and really got too it.
I could....
hee..... we'll see.
If it does get cleaned completely I'll take a pic and post it!! Maybe that'll be insentive for me to really hunker down and get to it....
....................probably not though...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Dishes, Dresses and Drifting Snow.... oh my?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Again I am a slacker
But this darned beautiful snow.
Don't get me wrong I love snow! I mean I really love it! I would enjoy watching it fall all day long, but it makes it hard to get out. Heck even my poor brother couldn't get more than two car lengths down the drive. So how am I supposed to get my cleaning gig?? Huh!!
That's right! I can't! So I shall instead, sit here in the comfort of our home and try and find ways to entertain my self. Movies, games perhaps, internet and always the ol' standby reading.
So yeah, I'm slacking.... but I have too! Nature dictates it.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Curious.... very curious
Mainly for Lilo, it was after all, her in the scenario.
Can people not have me for their maid-of-honor and force me to take part in some ritual to bring unity and purification to their wedding/vows by 'hunting' Bigfoot in an industrial area with only laser tag equipment?? A Bigfoot I might add that looked like 'Harry and the Henderson's' big foot but was really really mean and evil, I mean this Bigfoot wanted to take us out and all we had were little puny toy guns that shot lasers that only registered on a few 'safe' dots on a small chest covering Bigfoot was wearing?? Not only all of that but can the blasted thing not, not not, not not be led by my former team leader Scott???
Thank you and have a nice day!
ps. have I ever mentioned on here how very very weird my dreams can be?? Perhaps that's pertinent information too know. Ya know... for like the future and stuff.
pps. that was only a small portion of the dream too... the most pertinent part in my opinion at least for my blog today that is.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Well! Aint that a -----!
The good mood is gone!!
Long gone!!
I hate twists of fate... Ok not all twists of fate but this latest one was a low blow and it makes me quite sad!!
Good bye job *sniff*