Wednesday, July 22, 2009
In which I freak out
I learned about new bands.
I learned about new fashion. (Humor-har)
I learned I apparently can't handle large crowds very well.
Shocked me. But I don't think it was just the crowd it was the entire situation.
You see, it our second day of the festival (sunday which was actually day 3 of pitchfork) and it was almost time for the last band. The Flaming Lips! WOOOOO!! If you don't know the Flaming Lips I feel sorry for you! They are an AWESOME band!
Anyway back to the story.
My brothers and I had packed up our gear and headed into the fray while the band before the lips, were still on stage. That way when those fans left to watch something else or whatever we would be able to move up politely into those empty spots. Get our selves into good positioning for the final concert! We took our time, only moved into empty spots when they became available. Easy!
So we had gotten, fairly close within confettie distance at least, and had at least an hour to kill.
Now I suppose I should have mentioned that the day before when we had gone over to watch Beirut, we had people say "Excuse me" we'd make a path for them and then they just stood right in front of us. Wanted to knock their blocks off. But this was far far worse.
Ok so Flaming Lips is the Head lining band, so of course people want to see them, and of course they also want to be close. But here's the thing. Knocking people over in your quest to get closer to the stage?
I mean seriously people, common sense? Yeah I thought so.
But I am getting ahead of my self. Ok so we had gotten to about the position we wanted to get too. (but if a big opening had occured we would have tried for it) So we were just chillaxin and having a good time, thinking about the fact that we had an hour to kill standing in one spot, but at least we kept getting glimpses of Wayne and Steve and so on.(Lips in case you were wondering) People were kinda gently pushing against our backs in an attempt to get the whole crowd to move foward so they could be closer.
I am still doing good at this point.
Don't know how it happened really, I think it was the guy who came to sit with his group of peeps (also not cool by the way, taking up lots of room sitting when everyone else is standing) and made me stand really close to the people that were in front of me, like wicked close, so close I might as well have been part of this couple.
Now I have a very large personal space bubble, but I can shrink it down in crowds, but this was beyond my comfort level. Their's too I think. But I couldn't help that. And it made me further uncomfortable when more people around me decided to sit. There honestly wasn't room for that, unless they wanted to be stood on.
And the other problem with them sitting? It made it look like there were big gaps that people could come fill. So there had been a few stragglers who shoved their way through and then got to our area and realized, oh crap there isn't anywhere for me to stand, and happily most moved on, but not all.
And then...... oh and then....
Ok so we were crowded, I'm getting really uncomfortable from the odd stance to accodomate people close to me sitting and standing. When out of no where, I hear a voice say "excuse me" with an infliction that hinted at the fact that they didn't really care. I braced my self thinking, 'No way, there just isn't anywhere for me to move, find a different path'... When
*WHAM* I get knocked down.
Ok so they shoved me and seeing as I literally only had the one spot for my feet I got tangled and couldn't keep my blance and fell backwards.
At least my brothers were standing behind me. I mean I knocked into Jacob really hard. But ya know not as bad.
But this evil twit who shoved me just stops right where I had been standing. My brothers braced me and stood me back up and made a slight adjustment so I had a place to put my feet but she and her little posse just stood there. Josh flipped!
He literally snapped, I mean Josh is a mellow guy but I guess you don't knock his sister over and not even look to see if she's alright.
"Are you kidding me? No. Keep moving" he says and grabs the twit's backpack. She spins around, knocking into more people all offended.
"Move where?"
He just points and says 'That way'
"There are people over there." (Brillant one this evil twit from hades)
"There are people here." I snap at her. She just gives me this 'oh please' look.
Josh was still hoppin mad. "There isn't room here, people moved from over there, keep going."
"Did you just grab my backpack?" She suddenly asks like that's the worst crime ever committed.
(No ok, not super cool to grab a backpack but it was just to get her attention not like he yanked her off her feet... or ya know knocked her off her feet)
"Keep moving." he just says.
"That really rude, you just don't grab some one's bag" She looks to me like 'are you really with this guy'.
"It's really rude to knock people down." I say, she responds with the 'oh please' look again. (Can I punch her now. I mean I don't get angry all that often but man oh man please can I?)
I think she got a look at the situtation and realized there are three quite large people (two males) mad at her right now and she is there with her group of two tiny females and one little emo boy. Ok new tactic. Get on the big girl's side of things, get her to feel for you.
"That's just what a concert is, yesterday I was watchin a band and this girl in front of me kept flicking her hair into my face. You just deal"
Seriously?!?! You think getting smacked in the face with someone's hair, while not nice is the same as knocking people over in your quest to be closer to the bloody stage?!?!?! Ok fist is forming.....
Little emo dude is trying to calm everyone down, I don't think he wanted to defend his friend's honor against my brothers. Finally she just turns around (Her and her stupid backpack) and trys to ignore us. I guess it was hard to do because she kept shooting dirty looks over her shoulder at us, she started talking to the people around us about the rudeness of some people at these things.
I am not cool anymore.
I still want to punch this twit, and all her friends, I want to take out all the stupid sitting people and on top of all that I am standing with my feet on top of each other cause I have no room and I'm leaning really far back because of her stupid bag.
I lost it.
I freaked out. I admit it.
The breathing turned to wheezing and I was getting tears in my eyes and I was literally freaking out. I turned to my brothers said "Give me the bags" (we were smart and had our bags at our feet) and said "I can't take it, I'm freaking out. I'm out" and waited for them to part. Jacob seemed shocked but I was seriously gonna start punching and puking and screaming. I had to get out of there. Josh grabbed the bags from Jacob and started to leave, I told him he didn't have to move but he just made a path for me to get out of there.
Gotta say people are much nicer about moving when you are leaving and crying and hyperventilating. They smile at you like 'aw poor little lamb' and move for you. Annoying but it worked.
We got out of the crowd and I am crying a bit more cause I feel so bad making Josh miss the show, but I can't talk about it, I can't freaking breathe.
He opens the chair we had with us and tells me to sit, asks if I want a drink. I just shook my head trying to calm down. I really didn't want to throw up but that seemed like what I was going to do.
ANYWAY... I finally calmed down and the show started which was making me cry (ya know tears running down my cheeks, not sobbing) cause I am making Josh miss the show, but he said it was ok he had been just about to send the stupid twit crowd surfing. Show was awesome, but I didn't get to watch it from the place that I had wanted too.
Suffice it to say I apparently can't handle large crowds cause once I was out of that I was able to cool out. Sorta.
I still feel bad for making Josh move, though I did tell him he could stay. And I wish I hadn't let that stupid twit get to me but.... what are ya gonna do.
That was a kinda crappy way to end what had been such a great festival. But we still go to see the Lips. So all's well that ends?
What's your opinion? Did I freak out or what?
(wow that was a long story)
In which I couldn't help but laugh

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
In which I hear some music

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The theater, the theater....
But let's stick with the Harry Potter review for now....
I loved it! I gotta say I really enjoy David Yates directing style (he also directed HP5) I think he/the screenplay writer have done a fabulous job of fitting as much of the story line in as they can. You gotta admit that they are big books so it's no easy task. The only thing left out of 5 that I missed was the quidditch (I mean come on! Ron is the King in that one! Weasley is our King!) and the only thing that I wished they had covered more in this one are the 'horcruxes' what each one is/could be. Thing is I think they figure most people that watch these movies are also fans of the books, so not EVERY TINY THING needs to be covered. But I think it just would have saved time for the next films. Now it looks like Harry and pals will have to 'figure' it out all on their own.
Having said that, I loved everything else about this movie. I loved Dumbledore even more this one. I think most people will agree that the original Dumbledore was the Dumbledore, but seeing as he passed... well this new one has been growing on me more each film and I gotta say this one, he was just about the perfect 'Dumbledore' for me. A nice combo of spry wit and old age showing through. I like that, when Dumbledore makes those off the wall comments that just make you blink in surprise... It's just great! And you may not like him, but you gotta admit Albus Dumbledore's got style!
The kids are as great as ever, and I do so love goofy Harry/Ron! When they have both taken a potion (Ron a love one, Harry the luck one) they are so.... so..... Just so funny. I love getting to see silly sides! And they do great jobs of behaving in believable ways. Poor Hermione just can't seem to catch a break when it comes to love! And I loved her story about her dad needing stitches! Makes me laugh.
I really do believe that this movie is one of the best so far.
It does make me sad to say... only two more to go. (But at least I can say two yay that!)
Now for my squealing..I think I might have actually squealed out loud with my unbelievable joy when I saw/figured out what sneak peek trailer I was watching.
I am so excited about Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief!!!
I didn't even know that was going to be made into a movie! You just wouldn't believe how excited I was to learn of that. It was possibly the most exciting thing for me that night.
Now I say that and maybe you are thinking to your self... what kind of crap is that. Kid goes to see the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and she didn't even enjoy it as much as a trailer?
I'm not saying that at all! It's just that I knew I was going to be watching Harry Potter, I knew what to expect in that movie, I mean I've read the books how many times?? But the trailer that was a complete and TOTAL surprise! So it was the most exciting bit of the night. Not necessarily my favorite part of the night, but the most.... well surprising!
All in all a really great time to be had with me mum and pally Sarah.