The goal

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Warning bemoaning and potentially grossness ahead!!

It's never more apparent to me just how weak I am, than when I am in extreme pain.

It's glaringly obvious just how much of a baby I am in these moments.

I like to think that I am a calm, cool, collected person. But really in the face of discomfort I turn into another entity entirely. My emotions are running towards a very short fuse, making it dangerous to say things that will make me angry. Also I tend to feel very bad for myself, rather pathetic really.

In point of fact, I am lying here writing this, and when I happen to misspell a word or the site isn't running as fast as I want it to, my fingers can't jab the correcting buttons any harder, either the button or my finger would break. And that would just make me more pathetic.

And don't mistake me, it is pathetic.

I am trying really hard to not whine and moan about how it's just soo painful. But I am failing miserably.

So I had a root canal done Wednesday and I was actually okay. Thursday wasn't so bad either.

Friday is when it all started. And I'm not really even sure when it started. I know at the beginning of the day it wasn't that bad. And by break time at work it wasn't that bad. But by the time it was time to go home the pain had begun, a dull throbbing and it just continued from there. In fact I went to bed with it still throbbing. Woke up Saturday morning and it wasn't really bothering me that much, but by lunch time there it was, back in the forefront of all my thoughts and it's only progressed to the point that I am not literally near tears, but if I let my self I could definitely cry about it.

So I admit that I am an 'oh so faithful' google-er. I love google. Look stuff up on there all the time.

I initially looked up my tooth problem because I was rather worried about how it was progressing, and what I found was that it seemed like I had an abscessed tooth. So I was one part relieved and one part freaked. The relieved because I had a Grandmother pass from cancer of the mouth and I was (ridiculously?) afraid that that was what might be wrong. And I was freaked because that still seemed like a fairly serious thing to be having wrong with your mouth. So I went to the dentist, they agreed that it was just an abscess and that a root canal would have to be done.

That was fine. And as I've stated the canal wasn't so bad nor the initial ensuing days either.

Well this pain has been so bad that I decided to google that. (incessant google-er my friends, that's me) What I found is that horribly enough it's actually not that uncommon for there to be pain. It's because of the infection that caused the abscess in the first place.

The dying bacteria in my mouth causes inflammation and that is what is causing the pain. Google says I should call my dentist and let them know that this is occurring and they will hopefully prescribe an antibiotic that will help get rid of the bacteria more quickly and thus the pain will go away!

Now, to be fair, my parents have been telling me this whole time that I need to call the dentist and let them know what is happening, and I've not been opposed to this line of thinking, other than I hate the phone and I hate complaining (not that you'd know that from reading this blog) and I dislike that so frequently the dentist in question isn't there. Older gentleman I suppose he gets to set whatever hours he likes. And I haven't actually been disagreeing with the oh so knowledgeable parents. I just haven't done it.

But "knowing" what the problem "most likely" is makes me much more likely to call. Except I can't because now it's Sunday and I can almost guarantee the dentist won't be there today. So instead I will suffer at least one more day of pain and hope that with enough drugs I can at least manage it.

And you might be happy to know that now that I've reached the end of this post, my typing has returned to normal and my anger level has simmered. I think maybe the pain has placed me in a stupor and I am just going to try and sleep it off.

Maybe soon I'll blog about the fun time Josh and I had at the Last Comic Standing Finalists show we went to. Ya know, if I can stop whining so much.
