The goal

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

In which I finally conquer!

It's time!

Past time really.

I've been wanting to chop my hair for awhile now. And I do mean CHOP!

So.... FINALLY I've gotten it cut!

But just to fully demonstrate how ridiculous it was... before and after for you.

You see how LONG the hair was! I couldn't take it anymore!
And now the after!
inspired by Alice Cullen's hair in New Moon!

These photos aren't the greatest but I LOVE the hair... I can't wait to play with it!
Fun fun fun short new hair!
Oh I also got the eyebrows ripped out! They really needed it too!


SlvrGrndM99 said...

I want to play with your hair, too! Hehehe.

Akira_kin said...

Hey any ol time chickie you know it!