The goal

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Still getting everything together

So I'm still working!!

My goals to the side there are still valid.I'm still getting everything together.

Still haven't signed up for classes yet. But I think I just might get to that next week or so. I guess technically I have all summer to get it done, but well... we all know how I am (procrastinator) so might as well get it done now as not.

Working on the weight goal. I've been doing weightwatchers online (eating better) and so far down 17lbs (woot to me). I think I'll have a while til the size goal (getting closer though)

Walking almost everyday with momma which is really good, and I keep meaning to do my exercise video more... hasn't happened yet though. Guess I've got to be happy with what I have.

The blogging clearly hasn't been happening. Like I said I'm getting there.

The room needs some re-cleaning? Needs some dusting, laundry and then hopefully sometime this summer I'll get it painted!! (Fingers crossed kids)

But here's the thing... I know all around I could be doing even better, I could be outside on all these beautiful days we've been having... walking, or well really anything. But instead I stay inside and try to find something fun to do on the computer or I just read, which isn't 'bad', but honestly I could at least sit outside and read.

I'm a really happy with all the progress I've made and I know I'll keep it up.

But I suppose my blog is a place for me to try and kick my self in gear. Complain a little here and re-read it and go "wow what a WHINER!" and then I work towards fixing those things.

So..... notes to self....

Blog more (make it more entertaining too)
Keep up the weightwatchers!
Do Richie video!!
Get that room clean/painted


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