The goal

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Update about life so far...

So first full week of school is now over for me.

And so far? I haven't hated it! Which is sort of amazing.

Kim, Sarah and I have been going together (except the days where I work) and that's fun, people to talk to on the way, there is the reliability issue and it's nice having people I know in the classes.

The classes themselves have been pretty good too. The one that's the most, I guess "trying" would be the word, for me has been the Interpersonal Communications class. It's not even that I dislike the teacher, cause honestly she seems pretty cool. It's not so much the course context... more than anything? It's the other students that are causing me grief.

Today it was like we had group therapy. I don't want to be a part of group therapy! I just want to learn what we are supposed to learn and move along. And I am okay with people providing examples of real life to further prove the points in class... but going on and on about your personal problems is not cool!

We should have been able to get through most of the chapter's notes but instead we had to hear all about issues with parents and money/boyfriend issues. It was annoying. I was annoyed... and I didn't hide it very well.

Orientation to Pharmacy Tech was actually a good class. I love the teacher in there. She's also our teacher for Pharmacy Calculations too. Exact same students in both classes too so that's kind of nice. I mean I can get to know the students and I'll be able to go to them if any issue comes up in class. Whether I've missed one and need the assignments or I don't get something and need assistance. Course I have my girls for that too, but it's nice to have multiple options.

Pharmacy Tech class might get a little more difficult when we actually have our textbooks. Which we will by this coming monday, and also we'll have our first quiz then too. On the first 13 brand name drugs and their generic counterparts.

By the end of class we have to know the top 200 drugs on the market... and the generic counter parts.... I'm sort of stressed about this. I have the first 13 down.... spelling might be a little sketchy but I know what they are supposed to look like... but 200! That's crazy! But I'll just take the words as they come and do my best. I can do this! We'll see what else class will be like monday, the history of pharmacy techs and the current day practices.... we'll see.

Pharmacy Calculations again was pretty easy. It might get more difficult but so far it's good. Roman numerals, fractions and decimals. Nothing to earth shattering. But it's probably going to get more difficult as we go on.

Another bonus to these classes/teacher is there is no midterm! How sweet is that? There will be a final and it's comprehensive. The teacher is really nice and wants to see everyone succeed so she works with you if you are having issues. She has a pretty dry sense of humor too, which is cool cause it fits my sense of humor just fine.

So to recap? School while not my favorite thing necessarily? Yeah I'm actually kind of enjoying it.

And I would rather only go to that and not still have to work.

Yeah that's kind of the downer part of this whole thing.

I finally got my job offer, which means my transfer has been finalized. Which will be nice won't have as far to travel every day. Also have new hours which will be sweet because I won't have to worry about finding people to swap hours with anymore like I've been having to lately.

I'll miss most of the people that I work with but all in all I'm glad I'm swapping stores. I am a little nervous about it though. New store and all. But it'll be fine I'm sure.... I hope

So that's about it for me lately.... school work and home again.

Maybe next blog I'll discuss people's birthday's and how they were celebrated.... If I remember it all.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Good news all around

So let's start with the mediocre and build from there.

My goal of a two pound weight loss for this past week? Not achieved, but I did lose 1 pound and that's loads better than nothing/gain.

My car got new brakes put on it, and today it's to get a new compressor, which is supposed to fix the a/c, the defrost, the power steering and possibly a whole host of other issues! So that's ya know pretty sweet.

My cousin told me she had over heard people talking about me. Now normally I could find this very unnerving and possibly insulting. But in this instance it was a good thing. You see my cousin Lisa works at the store that I am trying to get a transfer to. So them talking about me, saying that I was a cashier... and whatever else they were saying, it's hopefully a good thing.

Which leads me into the another couple of good things. My transfer date has been approved and set, so that's me working in the Olney store for a little less than a month and then I'll be at the Robinson store. That is apparently as soon as they give me a job offer. Even my personal person doesn't know where they are hiring me in at.... so that should be a surprise.

And speaking of Robinson.... Had my first day of classes today. First time, in a college setting that I've actually had a teacher keep me the full time on the first day. Usually they just cover the syllabus and away we go. Nope this lady talked and talked then had us all introduce ourselves, speed dating style to each other then she gave us an assignment for some easy points. I'm still not convinced that this class is going to be easy. She said that there well be very little actual homework, but several instances of roll playing. I don't really know which is worse. I suppose it all depends on who I get to interact with.

Knew Sarah was going to be in the class with me, after all we signed up at the same time and purposefully chose the same times, but was pleasantly surprised to learn that a girl from school was not only in this class with us, she's doing the same program too and has all of the same classes we have. Times and everything. So that's really sweet! The only difference is that she is taking an online class. So she lives in this area too and that's another person to add to the carpooling. Hopefully even less gas we'll have to spend!

Kim is living with her dad, Sarah is living with her parents and I live with mine. And not that we don't love all of our parents, we think it would be really awesome to find a place that we could all live together in. Especially if it was in Robinson, then we wouldn't have to drive through all that road construction everyday and that would be so much less driving time. But they both have to find jobs, so it may be awhile until something like that happens.*

Found out how much I was approximately approved for, for FASFA. Awesome! I think it's to be divided up between semesters but I'll still have money left over to be able to use on things that I need outside of the actual school expenditures. The downer on all of that is. I don't actually have it! I just want my money people, what ever amount it may be. Called Tuesday and the helpful financial aid lady told me that my appeal had been approved, but that I needed to fill out some paper work proving my state citizenship. (I don't know that that's what it's actually called but that's what I'm calling it) I told her that I would be in the next day to get books, could I just fill it out then? She said that would be great, and that she wouldn't have them mail me the papers.

So just to keep you in the loop. Tuesday called, told them I'd be in Wednesday to fill out forms and get books, Thursday is the first day of classes.

So Wednesday got up early, Sarah came and picked me up and away to Robinson we went. Her a/c is giving her fits, it was hot and road construction was occurring. (I just want you to have the full picture here) Se we get there, and I know it's busy, lots of kids with lots of last minute things, but I had called people, I had called. So I go in tell the lady who I am and what I am there for. First apparently she thought I was too young? I don't know. She asked if I had brought my parents' id or tax returns for proof.

uh..... what?

Lady I'm 25, I have a valid license, and I work. I brought my own paper work.

So I filled out her paper work, easy peasy... lalala.... Hand it in. I ask about being able to get my books. She tells me that if I come in before my class the next day she'll at least have a voucher for me so I can get said books, in leu of my FASFA check. Ok whatever.

Thursday up I get nice and early, get ready and away I go once Sarah picked me up. Got there at least 30 minutes early, plenty of time to get this voucher thing and to get my books! Woo-hoo!

Except... I get in the office and ask the lady about the voucher. First she didn't recognize me, which I honestly didn't expect her to know my name, but I would have at least realized that I had just talked to a person the day before. But she's probably had a lot, I mean a lot, ALOT of people go through in the past few days. I don't hold it against her for that.

But she seemed annoyed that I was asking about a voucher. I was thinking to myself, look lady you are the one who told me to check back before class! But I kept my cool and politely waited like she asked. Not long after she decided I should just go to class and come back afterwards to get it so they could look it up. *gritting my teeth* Fine.

Class was as I mentioned above.

After class Kim, Sarah and I talked for a bit then we all headed over to the office. Me for voucher... again and Kim to find out the status of her FASFA.

Again lady didn't know who I was. Fine I'm not a memorable person. I again ask about this stupid voucher and again she tells me they don't have it ready.

Look I'm not saying she has to drop everything and get this voucher for me. What I am saying is that I've been told to come and get it twice now and now twice it hasn't been made available to me. If you can't get it ready in the time allotted then don't allot that time! Tell me it's fine but come in Monday, what ever. Quit stringin me along!! GRRRRRR!

Kim just wanted to talk to the financial aid lady, office lady told her she was busy. Then not even five minutes later we saw the financial aid lady leave the office... and not return again. Again... quit stringing us along.

We told Kim adios and headed back towards Newton. Got our lovely Huck's drinks (I love huck's drinks... you can add different flavorings to your soda!! and they have the good ice!) Hit Walmart, because I can never get enough of that place! (but I did need stuff so why not) then we grabbed some McDonald's and away we went. (don't judge me... you know you want some mikyD's too!)

So... that rather ended sourly.... I mean the huck's and walmart and McD's was all good.. but the voucher business wasn't... let's see.... what's good news again.



Mom had a good day at work today! That's good news.

Oh and tomorrow Mom, Miss Tiff and I are going out for a celebratory birthday lunch for Mom's birthday! That's good news too!

So there... back to good news all around!!

So now you should share your good news! I love good news! It's so fun!


*There was a listing for a three bedroom house for rent!! Hiy-0!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Trips and Goals

I haven't blogged in a while. I guess (although I did stuff) I felt that I didn't have stuff to blog about. So maybe this will be a twofer.

So this past weekend, several of my girls from high school got together for a fun filled weekend.
We went to Evansville. We ate lunch then hit the mall and then that evening we got (as it was termed by Kaylie) 'hookered up' and went out to eat at O'Charley's. We thought about catching a movie or mini golfing or even finding a karaoke bar but we just ended up heading to our hotel and hanging out there, which was fun. Apparently groups I am with have a tendency to skip out on staying out in the heat when there is a nice cool hotel room available. Heee! No midnight McDonald's' runs, and there was even a Steak n Shake less than a block away which would have been great. Guess we had enough supplies that it wasn't necessary. Saturday got up bright and early (yes I was the first person up!!) got ready and then we all headed to HOLIDAY WORLD!

This is becoming something of an every year thing for us. Ok so this was actually only the second year in a row, but a similar group has gone before. I think we are really going to try and make it an every year thing now though. It's just too much fun not to.

Invariably we manage to pick the busiest weekend possible. But it was still fun. First we dropped our stuff off at Splashin Safari, last year we carried it and that just wasn't happening this year. And then back to the main park. I think that was actually the smart way to do it. Lines weren't horrendous I think because mainly people were in the water. Sure waits were typically around an hour but really that was much better than last year. And with us all talking and laughing it really didn't seem that long.

Here are the rides we hit (in order)

Legend, Gobbler Getaway, Voyager, Gobbler Getaway, Pilgrims Plunge.

From there we went into the water park. I love that pilgrim's plunge leads right into the water park. We changed and went and climbed into the newer wave pool. I love this thing. We spent a good time in there just goofing off and splashin around. Then we got in the newer lazy river, the Bahari. Love love love lazy rivers! So relaxing, and fun to boot. Sarah, Kaylie and I like to go under the waterfalls and all the added stuff. Lindsay and Abbie did not. TOO BAD! We were all in a circle (don't worry there weren't a lot of people in the river we weren't obnoxious) and if one went it was hard to not get them all.

The water park was closing at 7:30 that day so we got out when we started to get chilled (6:30ish?) and changed back to normal duds. Then back to the main park it was. Some of the girls wanted to get fudge/cookies but Abbs and I wanted to ride the Liberty Launch... So we DID! I love that ride. (I don't think there wasn't a ride I went on that I didn't love) And the line was very small.

Oh oh oh! Abbs and I had respect crushes on the young men operating the L. Launch. First a kid had climbed under all the turnstiles(is that what you call the poles that direct the line) and Nick (I read his name tag) made this kid walk back out and then walk back in going through the whole thing! Yay! Then Ethan (what I read one but not the other I don't think so!) made all the little kiddies standing on the bars to get down! And the guy up in the booth (sorry booth dude I couldn't see your badge) was being really fun and interacting with the people on the ride. They were doing their job, enforcing the rules and still having a good time with the people riding. That's awesome!! I love when people are like that! *respect crush just made a reappearance*

So all in all Holiday World rocked! Oh! And we got our picture taken with Holli Dog! SU-weet!!

On the return trip we played catch phrases, which was funny... we get very excited, and it's funny to hear what everyone guesses from the clues you give.

So having told that story rather quickly I'll try and segway into the other half of the post title.

So last year I was at my heaviest weight... the one I was at for so long. While I was able to go on the rides, I do think it was a near thing, I really wouldn't want to be much heavier (and I think there are frequently people who are) So this year! This year I was down in weight.... I wasn't as far down as I could have been had I been following the program and exercise regimen as I had been doing. But still 30lbs is 30lbs! It made a big time difference! Rides were more comfortable/less painful and I didn't feel as hot this year although I think it was as hot if not hotter and I didn't feel as embarrassed to be seen in my swimsuit. All really good things!

But mom and I both are determined to do much better with the program than we have been doing. Suffice to say that I don't think I've really been to the site in a month, and that's just dumb to not go/do something you are paying for! So there is goal one! Do better on Weightwatchers! And the bonus of having lost all that weight will be next year I will be even more comfortable and I'll have no problem what so ever fitting in any ride seat!

Next... before the Holiday World trip I registered for classes with my buddy Sarah! Woot that's one goal DOWN! I can take it off the little side goal there! Now I have to GO and EXCEL!!

I'm trying to keep those words (and words like them) in the forefront of my mind. Making me well.... go and excel. I so want this job, I so want to be done with school (having actually finished a degree) and I want to kick this courses booty! I mean I want to be leader of the pack!

So it's undoubtedly going to be hard, Medical Terminology alone will probably give me headaches, but I WILL do this! (yay go team!)

Lastly my goal for a clean room just doesn't seem to happen. I try and I try and I try.. but eeeeeeverybody wants to put me down. They say I'm going crazy... wait... sorry *ahem* Slipped into song mode there for a second.

I get so far... and then I lose focus. And I really want to paint this puppy too! I've had the stuff for quite a while now... it's totally time.

So that's it.... follow program, excel in school, and clean the blinkty blankin room!

Happy blogging fellow bloggers!
