The goal

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Trips and Goals

I haven't blogged in a while. I guess (although I did stuff) I felt that I didn't have stuff to blog about. So maybe this will be a twofer.

So this past weekend, several of my girls from high school got together for a fun filled weekend.
We went to Evansville. We ate lunch then hit the mall and then that evening we got (as it was termed by Kaylie) 'hookered up' and went out to eat at O'Charley's. We thought about catching a movie or mini golfing or even finding a karaoke bar but we just ended up heading to our hotel and hanging out there, which was fun. Apparently groups I am with have a tendency to skip out on staying out in the heat when there is a nice cool hotel room available. Heee! No midnight McDonald's' runs, and there was even a Steak n Shake less than a block away which would have been great. Guess we had enough supplies that it wasn't necessary. Saturday got up bright and early (yes I was the first person up!!) got ready and then we all headed to HOLIDAY WORLD!

This is becoming something of an every year thing for us. Ok so this was actually only the second year in a row, but a similar group has gone before. I think we are really going to try and make it an every year thing now though. It's just too much fun not to.

Invariably we manage to pick the busiest weekend possible. But it was still fun. First we dropped our stuff off at Splashin Safari, last year we carried it and that just wasn't happening this year. And then back to the main park. I think that was actually the smart way to do it. Lines weren't horrendous I think because mainly people were in the water. Sure waits were typically around an hour but really that was much better than last year. And with us all talking and laughing it really didn't seem that long.

Here are the rides we hit (in order)

Legend, Gobbler Getaway, Voyager, Gobbler Getaway, Pilgrims Plunge.

From there we went into the water park. I love that pilgrim's plunge leads right into the water park. We changed and went and climbed into the newer wave pool. I love this thing. We spent a good time in there just goofing off and splashin around. Then we got in the newer lazy river, the Bahari. Love love love lazy rivers! So relaxing, and fun to boot. Sarah, Kaylie and I like to go under the waterfalls and all the added stuff. Lindsay and Abbie did not. TOO BAD! We were all in a circle (don't worry there weren't a lot of people in the river we weren't obnoxious) and if one went it was hard to not get them all.

The water park was closing at 7:30 that day so we got out when we started to get chilled (6:30ish?) and changed back to normal duds. Then back to the main park it was. Some of the girls wanted to get fudge/cookies but Abbs and I wanted to ride the Liberty Launch... So we DID! I love that ride. (I don't think there wasn't a ride I went on that I didn't love) And the line was very small.

Oh oh oh! Abbs and I had respect crushes on the young men operating the L. Launch. First a kid had climbed under all the turnstiles(is that what you call the poles that direct the line) and Nick (I read his name tag) made this kid walk back out and then walk back in going through the whole thing! Yay! Then Ethan (what I read one but not the other I don't think so!) made all the little kiddies standing on the bars to get down! And the guy up in the booth (sorry booth dude I couldn't see your badge) was being really fun and interacting with the people on the ride. They were doing their job, enforcing the rules and still having a good time with the people riding. That's awesome!! I love when people are like that! *respect crush just made a reappearance*

So all in all Holiday World rocked! Oh! And we got our picture taken with Holli Dog! SU-weet!!

On the return trip we played catch phrases, which was funny... we get very excited, and it's funny to hear what everyone guesses from the clues you give.

So having told that story rather quickly I'll try and segway into the other half of the post title.

So last year I was at my heaviest weight... the one I was at for so long. While I was able to go on the rides, I do think it was a near thing, I really wouldn't want to be much heavier (and I think there are frequently people who are) So this year! This year I was down in weight.... I wasn't as far down as I could have been had I been following the program and exercise regimen as I had been doing. But still 30lbs is 30lbs! It made a big time difference! Rides were more comfortable/less painful and I didn't feel as hot this year although I think it was as hot if not hotter and I didn't feel as embarrassed to be seen in my swimsuit. All really good things!

But mom and I both are determined to do much better with the program than we have been doing. Suffice to say that I don't think I've really been to the site in a month, and that's just dumb to not go/do something you are paying for! So there is goal one! Do better on Weightwatchers! And the bonus of having lost all that weight will be next year I will be even more comfortable and I'll have no problem what so ever fitting in any ride seat!

Next... before the Holiday World trip I registered for classes with my buddy Sarah! Woot that's one goal DOWN! I can take it off the little side goal there! Now I have to GO and EXCEL!!

I'm trying to keep those words (and words like them) in the forefront of my mind. Making me well.... go and excel. I so want this job, I so want to be done with school (having actually finished a degree) and I want to kick this courses booty! I mean I want to be leader of the pack!

So it's undoubtedly going to be hard, Medical Terminology alone will probably give me headaches, but I WILL do this! (yay go team!)

Lastly my goal for a clean room just doesn't seem to happen. I try and I try and I try.. but eeeeeeverybody wants to put me down. They say I'm going crazy... wait... sorry *ahem* Slipped into song mode there for a second.

I get so far... and then I lose focus. And I really want to paint this puppy too! I've had the stuff for quite a while now... it's totally time.

So that's it.... follow program, excel in school, and clean the blinkty blankin room!

Happy blogging fellow bloggers!



Brook Elise said...

I'm jealous. our HW trip was way too short...

I still need to lose 30 pounds, but I lost a little bit these past couple of weeks! of course I just got back from Olive Garden so yeah... lol

I'm still pumped about your school stuffs. and I also need to clean my room lol my mom's kinda disappointed I think since the summer's almost over & I never finished that up...

P.S. we still need to go swimming sometime! I haven't gotten to yet lol

Akira_kin said...

Dude! I am so on board!! The week... let's see... uh... ok here's how it goes. I'm not sure when your school starts and what days you might have free. I have monday 16th off... uh wednesday 18th off...and saturday 21st i get off work at 3... then 23rd, i have an evening class but i'm off of work, 24th morning class but off from work and 26th morning class but off from work.... any of these days working for you?!?! Cause I am all about the swimming!

I'm sorry about your HW trip, the only thing I would have changed about ours was shorter lines on a whole for more ride enjoyment... but it was still pretty sweet.

The room... ahhh the room... I swear one day I will get to it!

MUA Lindsay said...

My 1st paying month of WW was coming up Aug 1... so I canceled it, as I didn't log much (if at all) in July. *Sigh* I need to get back on the wagon, but honestly... I don't know how!

Akira_kin said...

Linz I hear ya... I'm sort of struggling with it... I guess for right now, I'm just making 'better' food choices and keeping track of food.... not really going out of my way yet.. but I'm getting there. I so want to start walking again... but it's still sooo hot!