I love upbeat music
Especially when it helps to inspire me to move (walk/dance around whatever)
My current fav. 'I got a feeling' by The Blackeyed Peas.
I love the video of them kicking off Oprah's 24th season with the flash mob!!
I love that she was so completely shocked by the whole thing! That's awesome that stuff like that can be pulled. I would love to be in one of those things! So awesome!
This song is definetly walking/jogging music!! It just lends it's self to it.
I need more songs like this... do you know any??? You should share if you do.
I guess though if I am going to have this song on something to help inspire me to jog I need something to listen to it on.... Like an iPod or something. I've been looking at an Ematic which looks like this ---------->

One I just love the fun colors you can get it in....
It's a 4gb mp3 video player, w 2.4" screen and 5mp camera. Sounds awesome to me... and it's only $40 hard to beat.
But is it really worth it? would it be what I really want? I kinda think so.
I dunno... just can't decide. It's a hard hard world I live in here.
But at least I've got rockin music to see me through.
p-p-p-party everyday, I got a feeling