Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I love the funny!
In that time Brook and Jacob shared this glorious beauty!----> Double Rainbow
It's so funny, and there are even remixes of it. That song is pretty sweet.
Well then today on Cake Wrecks their blog is called The Rainbow Connection. Suffice to say they are making fun of rainbow dude too!
Ah I love when a good plan comes together!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I am obsessed
It's over now this show, but it's still really good.
Avatar; The Last Airbender. It's just so funny. I think I've watched all three seasons at least three times now. Because...
Ya know...
I'm obsessed.
*Clears throat all embarrassed like*
Ummm.... Bought some fun Bands! Birds (cause I love me some birds! Totally obsessed with birds too) and Jam Session. I was totally mislead about the Jam Session one. It showed a piano in the group, there was no piano! It had a dude jammin on a guitar instead. Harumph!
But they came in awesome colors, ones that match my polka dot colors on my nails, and they were only a dollar each, which with my discount was even less so... YEAH! Bonus!
I'm reading City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. I've read it before, borrowed it from Sarah and it's AWESOME *sung in a overly exaggerated manner* Thing is, I think I might have purchased the first one already... which means I now own two. Unless I didn't in which case, hooray!
Have/had been doing weightwatchers.... sort of.... well let's face it I feel off the bandwagon again.
And I know, how often do I say 'oh no, I did bad, now I need to get re-motivated...' blah blah blah.
Truth is... I've just been enjoying eating to much to care. But I told mom tonight that I want to start walking again come Monday. Not because I necessarily want to start walking again (it's hot out and walking takes energy so ewww) But because I want to be 'skinny'. There I said it. I do want to be skinny. I mean not uber skinny, like 115 or anything insane like that. I don't think I can even fathom that number on me. But I do want to be as in shape and trim and tiny as is healthy for me to be. But let's face it.... I am so not that now. So it's gonna be a long long, longlonglong road to get there. I was doing a good job and then..... eh I guess life sort of overwhelmed me, or something. But I will do this! Because I am tired of my belly giggling when I laugh. And I'm tired of feeling like I look like I am pregnant. And I'm tired of being so uncomfortable in not only size 18 clothes but also my own skin. And I'm tired of all my stupid stretch marks. (possible over abundance of knowledge there but it comes with getting a glimpse into my mind)
I feel like all I see when I look in a mirror lately is stretch marks, rolls and a very large number.
Which is not a good vision to have of yourself, but I'm just laying everything out there for you tonight. So if you are still reading this... Sorry!!
On the happier side of things, I set a goal for myself to only spend a certain amount of money until my paycheck on the 6th, and so far I've done a bang up job! So yay me!
Also I only have to work a 4 and 1/2 hour shift tomorrow. Sweet!
And... uh....
I re-painted my nails! So yeah... no more chipped messiness!
Well... I think that's all I got tonight.
Did this blog post seem whiny to you?
Sorry I still didn't write the return trip, I guess there really wasn't that much to tell... really.
I'm still working on the photos, there sure were a lot of them. I went a little camera happy.
Friday, July 23, 2010
You Capture Black and White

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Day 2
Went and ate breakfast at Ihop first, where the food was tasty but they denied Brook her Cinna-minions which was just mean. Then we went to board the Metra. Apparently there are only 'permit required' parking lots there... so we drove around and around and around until finally father went into city hall (?) where they gave him a one day permit thing. So yay! But we had literally just missed a train heading to the city so we had to wait an hour for the next one. Luckily they had some lovely flowers to look at, so that killed all of 5 minutes. Books were retrieved from the van and reading commenced. It was a nice day so it's wasn't so bad waiting around.
By the time the train came the station was pretty crowded, pops wanted to sit on the upper level of the train if possible, it wasn't. They were full. So we just hurried to find seats and sat. Dude behind me? Yeah grunty, wheezy, sniffy guy. Sort of annoying and gross. But other than that nice ride. (Jacob and I had been on the Metra before... Not sure if Mom rode that our not)
Came in to Union Station and we had pre-decided to catch a water taxi out to Navy Pier. So we totally did! Oh by the way, always a good idea to watch where you are going and not be staring at a map.... cause then you don't notice those three stairs you are about to walk down-- whoops! Didn't fall though, just... took a jump. My bad! Some comic relief for you there folks.
There were some (I can only hope) teenagers getting on the taxi ahead of us (same taxi, ahead in line) and they seemed to be having some sort of feud with some other kids ahead of them, behaving in a very immature manner. And it continued the rest of the time they were on the boat. Did your mother not teach you manners? Oh wait that's your mother/guardian with you behaving the exact same way? Question withdrawn.
But it was fun to head down the river and to see all the buildings. I sort of wished we had been able to do a water tour instead, then you get to see a little more and you can actually hear the guy when he talks on his little intercom thing.
Navy Pier was nice, they have a big noodle like is in front of Wrigley so the kids posed in front of that, Jacob tried to eat it. They had this statue of kids playing.... ring-around-the-rosie? Anyway we thought it'd be fun to pose with it, or at least mimic it, so we did! Cause we're goobs! But I like it!
Jacob, Brook and I went up on the ferris wheel, the rents weren't real keen on the idea. That was sweet, but they were trying to educate us about the city and all of the directions they were giving seemed way off, and how hard can that be to give directions from Navy Pier?
So we went inside to eat at Capi's. They have some serious pasta making skills. Very delicious.
We happened to notice that there was a red carpet laid out. That's very curious. And there was a sign about the Stanley Cup, wait... that means....
That's right the Blackhawks, Champions of the Stanley Cup we're going to be at Navy Pier!! Talk about awesome!
Unfortunately they were supposed to have been there at 3 (? this is the story I heard it's not been confirmed) but it was past that and they still hadn't shown up. We needed to catch our trolley to get to the L station to get to the game. So we quickly looked through the shops there. One store had a top that I LOVED but the color I wanted only came in smalls, plus it might have been a kids shirt... the other color's extra large seemed small. So I just came away with some sweet post cards.
The trolley was fun, wicked crowded but fun. The driver was funny, he said I'll call out the stops, if you need off just pull the cord, or if you can't reach that 'dingding' works for me. So we got to hear lots of people yell out 'dingding'. But Jacob was disappointed, he wanted to pull the cord for our stop but almost everybody got off there and they all yelled, so no cord pulling for him. :(
Hopped on the L, red line just so you know. Well actually the first one was so crowded we decided to wait, the next one was better but only slightly. Standing room only here kids, and it's a bit of a bumpy ride. But I was ok with it. One of the ladies next to me was not, she was very annoyed that the train was so full. (that's right I read her text over her shoulder... but just the one!) Got off at Addison and we were there!
Wrigley! I love that place! It's so fun. So we walked around the whole thing, Brook had never been. And we looked at shirts and I really wanted a couple. I so wanted one with a name on the back, but I'm not allowed. Every time, every time that I've ever gotten anything with my favorite player's name on it, they get traded. EVERY TIME! I got a pin once like a lapel pin? It looked like a jersey and had Michael Barrett's name on the back, figured I'd be ok since I wouldn't actually wear it? Nope I don't think it was even a month later they traded him.
No shirt names for me!!!
But I did want another shirt, but they were all like 40-50 bucks, and I am cheap, or poor. Depends on how you look at it. I didn't really want to spend that much, but I didn't really have that much to spend anyway. So... yeah.
So game was good... though the Umps were bad, calling people out that were safe and what not! And the starting Cubs pitcher did not have a good inning. But there was a home run or two by the Cubs. But ultimately? Yeah they lost. *sigh* I blame Starlin, he had some really horrible plays. And I just don't understand. If someone is having that bad of a day why do you leave him in?!?! You took the pitcher out when he did bad, and the next one... so why leave in the bad short stop player? Who knows?
Funny story, cute family in front of us? The dad reminded me of my Uncle Tim. He seemed to really love the ladies of his family which is just super sweet. (Again I was being nosy) He was texting someone about the game and said 'I have much to teach my daughters. Meg just asked if it's half time' I love that he found that cute. Cause it totally is!
We actually had to leave before the game was over to catch our train back. But I don't think we missed much. At one of our stops we got to see a GIANT EYEBALL! There should be more of those in the world. It was some art they had on display. Got to see the Public Library which had some sweet architectural elements. And then it was back to Union Station. Again had to wait an hour for our train, literally just missed the one before. (it's a knack)
Train ride back we sat up top. Not sure Pops enjoyed it as much as he thought he would. Ours was the second or third to last stop the train made so we got a nice long ride. Then into the van and back to the hotel. Where we all just pretty much crashed. It was a long day and full of fun but finally time to end it.
Travel back story tomorrow? Not much to tell really but I might post some pictures there.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Chicken in a car but the car won't go, that's how you spell chicago
So this weekend was our Chicago trip. So much fun. Saturday mom and I decided that we need to prepare for the occasion by painting our nails. Boys will like you if you paint your nails. *said in a heavy new york accent*
Mom went with a lovely pinky color, more neutral. I decided to be bold and brash! I went white with green,blue,orange,purple polka-dots. Fun!! Fingers and toes for me, just toes for mom.
Once that was done, and believe me that was a chore for me! We were all ready to go! So Sunday morning bright and early we got up and headed to Terre Haute to pick up Brook and Jacob. Who oh so kindly had square donuts for us. Yum is all I can say!
We hit the road for some fun in the Windy City. Sunday was to be a whatever day, Monday was the day we had tickets for. Tickets for a Cubs game. So we decided to go to the Lincoln Park Zoo.
As we were walking in to look at all the fun animals, Jacob let it be known that if he didn't see some polar bears a koala was gonna get punched! Which just doesn't seem fair for the poor koala, but we were going to make a point to find those polar bears! And wouldn't you just know it the clouds rolled in, the thunder cracked and the rain started pouring down from the sky. Now at least we were prepared and all had umbrellas to use. But still it was coming at us sort of side-ways so we were getting pretty wet. So this Zoo had a sort of "farm" area in it and had a nice house with porch that we ducked under. We just stood under that and waited the storm out, didn't last to awfully long. The lightening was right on top of us but I personally enjoyed that.
When it passed we headed over to the barn to begin our tour. There they had a scale that told you the equivalent of your weight compared to farm animals. Jacob, Brook and I total a sow with a litter of 10 piglets, which just cracked me up.
From there we saw some Jacob sheep, a couple bulls and a few cows, some goats and maybe a pig or two. Then we went on to have lunch.
From there we went to see the more exotic animals. I don't know if it was the storm or the heat but a lot of the animals were hiding away so we couldn't see some of them. But we did see a lot.
And happily we eventually saw a polar bear, so all koalas were safe. (although I'm not positive but I think that the zoo didn't actually have any koalas) Saw the cat portion, I love tigers, leopards, and panthers so that was sweet. I also love me some penguins and they were hanging out too! So yeah really enjoyed the zoo. Only animal I was bummed to not see? Elephants. What sort of zoo doesn't have elephants? They totally didn't. Sad!
From there we went to eat at Rain Forest Cafe, which isn't really a cafe so why it should be called such is beyond me. But it was really delicious. I liked all the 'animals' they had about. The night sky on the ceiling with shooting stars was pretty sweet too. The only thing that was a bit much for me was the music, it was soo loud. And under most situations I probably wouldn't have minded as much but I had a wicked head ache. But I really enjoyed it.
From there we seriously thought about going and trying to get bleacher seats for the Cubs game that night but I think we just decided we were to tired. So to the hotel it was.
We talked about swimsuits for the pool there at the hotel but that would have involved going to purchase some (since no one but father brought theirs) but eventually that was decided against and we just watched the Cubbies on tv. Which sort of made us wish we had tired for the bleachers but it was ok.
Finally we decided that we needed to make a midnight McDonald's run (ok maybe 10:30) So in the van we piled one last time for shakes and fries. So good! A truly delicious way to end the night.
Day two tomorrow.
Lates for now!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Pool, subs and cubs

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Haven't been walking for like three weeks. And it's not even bothering me anymore. Although I do think it would help me lose faster.
Haven't been eating exactly right, I mean I've been staying within my points. But I haven't been doing that great of a job of getting my veggies in, and struggling a little with my water on days that I don't work.
And on that note I must tell you, that for all of that misbehaving I still lost a pound this week. Which is great!! But I bet, if I was doing things like I was supposed to be doing then I would be losing even more... well a little more each week. Need to exercise and eat better!! Okay, now that I've told you all about that..... on with the post.
No pool for me.
I think, and mother agrees, that it's a sign. I don't believe it's from God though. Just saying someone is trying to tell me something.
So last week tried to go with Mom, Jacob and Brook. The rain decided that no, you don't need to go. So this week thought I'd try again.
Wanted to go Monday, but didn't. We went and saw Despicable Me. It was really good. The littlest girl was so super adorable.
Yesterday could have gone but I went with Sarah to Mattoon and then back to her parents where we just hung out.
So today, today was to be the day! Was going to go earlier, but mom thought we should wait til evening when it would be cooler and possible kiddies would be gone, also she wanted to get some cards made and mailed. So fine, we waited. Finally 5 o'clock rolls around and we are headed to the pool! Yay!! We walk up there, see all the people swimming, having a rousing good time! Get to the door and hear the employees telling a group ahead of us, 'Sorry the pool is closed for a private party.'
What?? But.... and...
I want to swim. Why won't the pool let me?! Are you sure I'm not part of that party?! Cause I'm pretty sure I can be. If only you'll let me swim.
Pool you are so mean to me!
I'm out.....
*mumbles to self in an annoyed manner*
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
One I was working, always takes a lot out of me.
Two I was sick, definitely took a lot out of me, and really who wants to hear all about how sick I am.
Three I had gained weight and wasn't exercising... (i was sick people) so didn't want to blog about how poorly I was doing in that regard either.
Four I haven't done anything. It's hard to blog when there isn't anything to report.
Ok the last is a bit of a lie, I have done some stuff. Here is a quick run down.
Exercised some, Ate better (but not great), Got a facial, Got a verbal, Went to a open house, Bought some stuff, Bought some more stuff, Read a book (or two), Didn't exercise, Went to work, Watched some movies... and winding down to today... Got my hair cut and weighed in.
So like I said weighed in... Yesterday was the actual weigh in day that I have assigned my self but when I weighed it wasn't what I wanted to see... it was the exact same as last week which was down from the 2lbs+ but still wasn't all the way back down.
Well... weighed in today and I don't know if it was just finally showing what I was feeling, or if it was the hair cut or both... but I'm now officially back down to my lowest weight. (meaning the lowest I had reached losing not the lowest I've ever weighed) YAY!!! I am so happy about that. Now I just need to keep going downwardly and get this stinkin weight off!!
I suppose I should be happy with all the progress I've made so far which I am. But I think I need to keep in mind just how long it's taken me to get as heavy as I was. It's not like this just suddenly hit me. It's been building for a while now, so it's not going to leave in just one day. I've made great progress and will continue to do so. (but shoot i was hoping to get closer to one-derland for my holiday world trip) Anyway.... on with other things that I have done...
Tortured mom today. Took her shopping in Tuscola, not that that was super torture... no that came later. We went to Old navy... I really wanted this white/orange skirt that they have. I just thought it was super cute.... but I didn't get it... mainly because I wasn't necessarily sold on the whole look. Found a cute tee to go with it but I just wasn't in my size!! They had XXL or L not XL which would have been perfect!! *sigh* I guess that was just a sign to not get it.... or something. Did find a couple of t-shirts though. Cute and comfy and cool. (lots of c's)
Mom got some cute clothes too... then we went back to Mattoon... where I did torture Mom by making her try on 1000 swimsuits..... or maybe not that many... but I did make her try them on... and she wasn't super excited to do so... not that I really blame her but... meh.
So hopefully tomorrow we'll go for our walk, shower head to wally for suit buisness and some lunch and then *blaring of trumpets here* DUUU DUUU DUUUUUUUUUU DUUUUUUUUUUUUH!!!!! Go to the pool!!
Want to come? It'll most likely be 3ish? You are more than welcome!! It's going to be great fun!!
Aight... that's all I'm gonna talk about today.... I can't think coherently anymore.