The goal

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I am obsessed

I love a show.

It's over now this show, but it's still really good.

Avatar; The Last Airbender. It's just so funny. I think I've watched all three seasons at least three times now. Because...

Ya know...

I'm obsessed.

*Clears throat all embarrassed like*

Ummm.... Bought some fun Bands! Birds (cause I love me some birds! Totally obsessed with birds too) and Jam Session. I was totally mislead about the Jam Session one. It showed a piano in the group, there was no piano! It had a dude jammin on a guitar instead. Harumph!

But they came in awesome colors, ones that match my polka dot colors on my nails, and they were only a dollar each, which with my discount was even less so... YEAH! Bonus!

I'm reading City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. I've read it before, borrowed it from Sarah and it's AWESOME *sung in a overly exaggerated manner* Thing is, I think I might have purchased the first one already... which means I now own two. Unless I didn't in which case, hooray!

Have/had been doing weightwatchers.... sort of.... well let's face it I feel off the bandwagon again.

And I know, how often do I say 'oh no, I did bad, now I need to get re-motivated...' blah blah blah.

Truth is... I've just been enjoying eating to much to care. But I told mom tonight that I want to start walking again come Monday. Not because I necessarily want to start walking again (it's hot out and walking takes energy so ewww) But because I want to be 'skinny'. There I said it. I do want to be skinny. I mean not uber skinny, like 115 or anything insane like that. I don't think I can even fathom that number on me. But I do want to be as in shape and trim and tiny as is healthy for me to be. But let's face it.... I am so not that now. So it's gonna be a long long, longlonglong road to get there. I was doing a good job and then..... eh I guess life sort of overwhelmed me, or something. But I will do this! Because I am tired of my belly giggling when I laugh. And I'm tired of feeling like I look like I am pregnant. And I'm tired of being so uncomfortable in not only size 18 clothes but also my own skin. And I'm tired of all my stupid stretch marks. (possible over abundance of knowledge there but it comes with getting a glimpse into my mind)

I feel like all I see when I look in a mirror lately is stretch marks, rolls and a very large number.

Which is not a good vision to have of yourself, but I'm just laying everything out there for you tonight. So if you are still reading this... Sorry!!

On the happier side of things, I set a goal for myself to only spend a certain amount of money until my paycheck on the 6th, and so far I've done a bang up job! So yay me!

Also I only have to work a 4 and 1/2 hour shift tomorrow. Sweet!

And... uh....

I re-painted my nails! So yeah... no more chipped messiness!

Well... I think that's all I got tonight.

Did this blog post seem whiny to you?

Sorry I still didn't write the return trip, I guess there really wasn't that much to tell... really.

I'm still working on the photos, there sure were a lot of them. I went a little camera happy.


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