So success was mine!!
Thursday after a "fun-filled" day at work. Came home to attempt to go swimming with mom again. We knew that there was to be a private party so they were closing at 5:45, but that left us with two whole hours to soak up the sun. So we went, we conquered!
We owned that pool!
Okay, so we just basked in it's cool wetness. But it was lovely, and while mom saw a few of her students from last year they weren't to horrible. One of them is just a teeny bit bossy, but all in all not so bad. (on a funny note, we got there and barely had our toes in the water when they blew the whistle signaling a 10 minute break) (also I take evil delight in the fact that it poured rain that night, so the party probably got cut really short!)
So yesterday... Got up and headed to work, first hour seemed to d-r-a-g by. I mean it was so long, and I was actually busy where as the day before I had nothing to do. Weird. So eventually Talina that I work with got there, and that's about when the time seemed to pick up. Maybe because Anna and Talina both spent some time up at the service desk talking to me, helped pass the time. So anyway Anna had first lunch and she mentioned going to Subway and well, Talina and I thought that sounded great. So when it was time for my lunch I decided, 'Hey that sounds like the thing for me.' So I quickly walked to the back, clocked out and headed out to Subway.
When I got there it was pretty hoppin' but I thought it'd be okay. Nothing to horrible, just a little down time. So I get my order in and the guys ahead of me were just chatting away with the ladies working there and that was a little annoying. But finally got down to the register and the nice woman there asked if I'd like a meal deal with my sandwich. I told her yes and proceeded to open my purse to get out my card to pay.

This picture is exactly what the inside of my purse looked like when I opened it.
There was a crucial piece missing. And what was funny was that I kept moving those few things in my purse back and forth as if they were some how hiding that elusive wallet. So I was a teeny bit panicked, they don't take checks so....
The nice lady told me I could come back and I said I would and hit the bricks. I went out to my car and was debating getting in and driving all the way back to my store to 'purchase-something-with-a-check-and-write-it-for-over-so-I-have-cash', when I glanced up and saw shining brightly in the sun CVS. *angels sing heavenly tunes at this point* I think "I'm saved!" and proceed to cross the street and head inside to buy something, anything so I can get cash.
I grabbed a pack of gum and waited in line, of course there's a line when you're in a hurry, and while in said line I hear 'What are you doing in here?'
I looked up and Lindsay had entered the store! Well hi Lindsay how are you? I'm just here 'cause I'm an idiot and forgot my wallet. Hoping to get some cash. You?
She had seen me cross the street while her and her hubby were driving through town and decided to stop and talk to me.
Well it was finally my turn to make my purchase, luckily I asked the cashier before she rang anything up. CVS doesn't allow checks to be written over the amount of your total! O.O! NOOOOOOO!!!!
Lindsay told me to follow her and she had me hop in their car and she loaned me $15. They drove me back over to Subway. I was soooo glad she decided to stop.
So I go in to pay for my sandwich and 'skip' the line, seems silly to go through the line just to pay at the end. I wait while a guy attempts to pay for his sandwich with his debt card... which isn't reading. He asks if they take checks, the cashier (same one) said sorry no and smiled at me. I told him not to go over to CVS either because they couldn't help him. ( I think he thought I was nuts) Luckily one of the other Subway employees got his card to go through by typing in the numbers. He paid for his food, I paid for mine and then all was right with the world.
Well... maybe not with the whole world, but with my little portion of it? Yup.
So Lindsay was my hero for the rest of the day... maybe even for the rest of the month! Yup I owe that girl big time.
Moral of the story, it's good to stop and surprise someone, you just never know how you might save their day.
Oh and am headed to Chicago tomorrow with the 'rents and Jacob and Brook. Super excited. Not sure what all we are doing. Hopefully Navy Pier, maybe Brookfield Zoo and definitely a Cubs game! Gooooo Cubbies!!!!!
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