The goal

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Update about life so far...

So first full week of school is now over for me.

And so far? I haven't hated it! Which is sort of amazing.

Kim, Sarah and I have been going together (except the days where I work) and that's fun, people to talk to on the way, there is the reliability issue and it's nice having people I know in the classes.

The classes themselves have been pretty good too. The one that's the most, I guess "trying" would be the word, for me has been the Interpersonal Communications class. It's not even that I dislike the teacher, cause honestly she seems pretty cool. It's not so much the course context... more than anything? It's the other students that are causing me grief.

Today it was like we had group therapy. I don't want to be a part of group therapy! I just want to learn what we are supposed to learn and move along. And I am okay with people providing examples of real life to further prove the points in class... but going on and on about your personal problems is not cool!

We should have been able to get through most of the chapter's notes but instead we had to hear all about issues with parents and money/boyfriend issues. It was annoying. I was annoyed... and I didn't hide it very well.

Orientation to Pharmacy Tech was actually a good class. I love the teacher in there. She's also our teacher for Pharmacy Calculations too. Exact same students in both classes too so that's kind of nice. I mean I can get to know the students and I'll be able to go to them if any issue comes up in class. Whether I've missed one and need the assignments or I don't get something and need assistance. Course I have my girls for that too, but it's nice to have multiple options.

Pharmacy Tech class might get a little more difficult when we actually have our textbooks. Which we will by this coming monday, and also we'll have our first quiz then too. On the first 13 brand name drugs and their generic counterparts.

By the end of class we have to know the top 200 drugs on the market... and the generic counter parts.... I'm sort of stressed about this. I have the first 13 down.... spelling might be a little sketchy but I know what they are supposed to look like... but 200! That's crazy! But I'll just take the words as they come and do my best. I can do this! We'll see what else class will be like monday, the history of pharmacy techs and the current day practices.... we'll see.

Pharmacy Calculations again was pretty easy. It might get more difficult but so far it's good. Roman numerals, fractions and decimals. Nothing to earth shattering. But it's probably going to get more difficult as we go on.

Another bonus to these classes/teacher is there is no midterm! How sweet is that? There will be a final and it's comprehensive. The teacher is really nice and wants to see everyone succeed so she works with you if you are having issues. She has a pretty dry sense of humor too, which is cool cause it fits my sense of humor just fine.

So to recap? School while not my favorite thing necessarily? Yeah I'm actually kind of enjoying it.

And I would rather only go to that and not still have to work.

Yeah that's kind of the downer part of this whole thing.

I finally got my job offer, which means my transfer has been finalized. Which will be nice won't have as far to travel every day. Also have new hours which will be sweet because I won't have to worry about finding people to swap hours with anymore like I've been having to lately.

I'll miss most of the people that I work with but all in all I'm glad I'm swapping stores. I am a little nervous about it though. New store and all. But it'll be fine I'm sure.... I hope

So that's about it for me lately.... school work and home again.

Maybe next blog I'll discuss people's birthday's and how they were celebrated.... If I remember it all.



Boone484 said...

Glad to hear school has started out well for you!

We saw your mom, dad, and Josh when we went out to eat the other night! It was nice getting to see them and catch up! Sorry we didn't get to see you too!

Brook Elise said...

you're making me feel very slackerish about not updating lol but I'm glad school is going well. 200 is a large number... good luck with that lol right now I'm just worried about memorizing 60 names and faces!

reen said...

personally I think anyone who can remember obscure details about books she reads can remember 200 medicine names. No problem.

Who had a birthday?

Akira_kin said...

oh you know... just some peeps i know... havin b-days...

And it's totally not the same thing, books are entertaining and enjoyable and engaging and that's why I can remember things about them. 200 brand name and generic names is rather dull... not to mention they are ridiculously long and complicated names.

Brook you'll have those names and faces down before you know it! I have every confidence in you. Sorry about making you feel slackerish! If it makes you feel better I only attend three classes and work part time, so it's not like I don't have a lot of time to kill.

Deana, mom told me you guys saw each other! I wish I could have seen you too! I feel like I haven't seen you in YEARS! Which it very well could be.