The goal

Monday, October 27, 2008

Oh for the days of my youth!!

Do you ever miss your younger days?

I do!

Well at least I miss things from my youth!

When I was younger my family and I always had different holiday traditions, as most families do.

There were the customary things, decorating, baking, shopping, all kinds of things.

But my family... more my brothers and I always, always, always watched certain movies.

Again I don't think that's too out there in the realm of things. But we might be a little odd in our desire to still hold on to those movies now.

It's getting a LOT easier to do seeing as most companies are bringing all those old classics out on dvd these days.

But what do you do when they don't? When you can't remember the name of the movie or who was in it.

There were a couple of different movies like that for me. God bless the internet because some of these old movies are MUCH easier to find thanks to it.

For example every Christmas I loved to watch this animated version of The Nutcracker, I thought it was great. Then it wasn't shown on any of the TV stations anymore. And I couldn't have told you who made it or anything.

Or this one where there are some toys that come to life at night when all the owners are in bed. But if the toys are caught out of position they are 'dead', they don't come to life anymore.

Or for Halloween my brothers and I loved to watch this movie where there's a couple of kids who are trying to save the town from ruin due to a factory being shut down, aliens land and help save the day. Again suddenly it was gone!

Any of these ringing a bell for you??? There are so many other movies that we loved to watch, and I guess they still get high enough ratings that different channels will still show them.

But how to find those others?!?!

Well like I said Thank the lucky stars for the internet, there is bound to be a site somewhere that can help you figure it out.

We'll I'd found my Christmas movies; 'The Nutcracker Prince' - 1990 (WB) : 'The Christmas Toy' - 1986 (Jim Hensen/Disney)

Some great movies there, you should try and check them out.

But alas my Halloween movie was still lost to me, most people thought I had imagined the whole thing up, well maybe not my brothers...

And then...

A beacon of hope.....

Thanks to Yahoo!Answers I found other people who were looking for the exact same movie... they described it just like I did.


But no one knew who it was by, who was in it..... Nothing.

Talk about crash and burn! I was so sad, for one glorious moment I thought everything could once again be right in my world.

Well to end the suspense, finally someone did know the name of the movie.

'The Last Holloween' (sometimes listed as Halloween) - 1991 (HannaBarbara)

My world is whole again.

Well... I'm still a little bummed because it's not out on VHS or DVD or anything, but I found the sucker on youtube (you can find almost anything on youtube)

And so I can properly celebrate Halloween again.

Also just for a little fun, here is a small part of the movie for you, if you'd like to watch the whole thing I do have it saved in a playlist on youtube as do a few others. This was posted by a youtuber named wetasaurus- thanks to him for providing this great movie to the masses!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

And I had had such grand ideas too...

So I first started this thinking it would be a fun place to put down all my random thoughts and maybe some interesting insights into my mind... hence the name of the place.

I mean I wanted it to be funny and quirky and just something that could perk people up when they read it.

Alas, my blog has just been sitting here not being much of anything.

I've tried different things.

Telling humorous stories about mini adventures.

Making possible reading recommendations by listing my favorite authors.

NADA! Zilch! Zero! Nothing! I got a big ol' goose egg!

Maybe it's because I'm rather a big ol' nobody in the scope of the world. Maybe it's because I don't exactly brag about me having a blog so no one knows that it's here to read.

Whatever the reason there was no drawl to this blog for readers or for me to keep writing.

Well today is hopefully a new day!

It's the start of a renewal of posting.

I'll try to mix it up.

Maybe showcase some great pictures that I've found or that myself or someone else I know has taken.

Maybe keep the writer recommendations, humorous personal stories.

But whatever I do I will try and keep this entertaining for any and all visitors!

Well, that's all for now!