The goal

Thursday, January 28, 2010

So close and yet... no cigar....

It may be hard to tell.... but I am getting really close to being done!!!! Isn't that exciting... you won't have to hear about my ridiculous room any more, or hear me whine about how I have too much and don't know where to put it all!
I can tell you are thrilled!
I am too!!
I was getting tired of writing about it....
actually I was more tired of having to clean it!
All that is left, and this may sound like a lot (but really it's not so much in comparsion) is to dust the shelves, sort books, vaccum (cause the swiffer isn't picking everything up... poor thing is only so mighty) and then make my bed with the nice clean sheets that I still have yet to wash.
So all in all just kinda minium stuff!
I am soooooo happy!
I can't wait to be finished!
Oh.... and I guess there is that mountain of clothes to wash downstairs... but that's not in the room any more so it doesn't totally count!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

In which I take the first step

I admit it.

I have an addiction.

I think this is not so much of a shock to anyone.

But still there are times when it hits me.... 'whoa, you have a serious problem!'

Today was one of those days.

I've been working on the room some more, this is a major project here people, I kept thinking it was just a matter of cleaning the room, it'll only take a couple of hours.... Oh how very wrong I was.

It'll only take a couple of YEARS!!

Ok slight exaggeration, but it will take a couple of days.

And that's just sad.

But I'm really hoping this will all be over by Friday.


(these are pictures of where the books are sitting until I can sort them and put them away properly..... if you'll notice none of these containers are small, also the very vast quantity, so sad. You know in a way that makes me secretly *maybe not so secret* happy sort of sad)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's quite possibly too much!!

I am working so very very hard to get this ever loving room of mine clean.

I think I'm going to lose this battle... there is just too much stuff, and no where to put it so I can clean.

I CAN'T win!!!

Pics just so you fully understand (and I can't believe I am doing this....)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Babbling shall commence

I find that I have to LITERALLY make myself exercise, not because I don't need it, not because I don't want to (or maybe a little bit don't want to) but because I just... it's mainly I don't want to get up and put the video in the vcr. Ha! My exercise videos are in fact vhs! Isn't that awesome!

It's petty of me but I do so love when "know-it-all's" are proven to be mistaken in their theories! It just tickles my funny bone! Got to see that last night at work, I had to hold the laughter in. But it was worth it. Don't think it fazed the guy at all though. (typically doesn't)

I find that I work best under some what strict routines. Apparently I need those firm boundaries. Plus it's much easier to go on autopilot when you have a set schedule.

I want to take photos of a before and after of my room, proof of the amazing cleaning job that would ensue. I find that I can't though. Far to embarrassing.

I love upbeat rockin music. And if it has a loud thumping bass, even better!

I did not want to work a longer shift yesterday, so when they called on sunday why did I say yes? I don't know, but it turned out really well. Got to work service desk for Carla who had a doctor's app. So I guess some how some benevolent being was looking out for me.

I think it's funny that there is sooo much disagreement about what my name is. Or rather how you pronounce it. Lots of people at work really think that it's Kera (pronunciation wise) and others think it's Car-ah.... I figure as long as you are looking at me and call me something with a K sound at the beginning (although I've been known to respond to popeye) I'll respond. I don't really care people. Thanks for being so concerned though.

I have favorite tv shows. I can never watch them. I am always at work. Thank god for hulu!

I wish I had more follow through when it came to writing my stories. I think some of them might actually be kind of good... but I get lost half way through.

I'm not wanting to go to work tonight. It won't be bad, but it won't be fun either. I really wish I worked during the day. That would make me much happier.

I sorta wish I was in school right now (college not anything younger) I almost miss having that interaction with other students.

I think the cat just fell off the back of the couch..... he's tryin to act all cool. (must be super embarrassed)

I think this Friday is to be cleaning day.... I'm really hoping no one else will be home because sometimes... things have to get a lot worse before they can get any better. My plan of attack was going to be drag EVERYTHING out of the room and to start afresh. I can only do this if no one else is around. I don't know why.

Is it wrong to miss the holidays? I feel like I didn't really get to enjoy them. They just flew by. I wish that some how everyone got winter breaks! At least two full weeks. It would never work though. Which is really sad.

I sometimes wish I had a boy friend, just so I'd have some one to go out with. Not just to a movie, not that there is anything wrong with that. But like a nice evening out, with dressing up and everything. I suppose I could do that with friends, but I wouldn't mind having a guy to do that with too. But that's really all I want him for right now. (sorry possible future boyfriend prospects)

Seeley Booth is hot and adorable.

Adam Baldwin is hilarious! My favorite Baldwin (even if he isn't related to the others) Plus... BONUS he's from Illinois (chicago area).

I like being creative, but I usually lack motivation and ideas.

I think I'm done.


Monday, January 18, 2010

In which I strive

You might have noticed the list to the left side of the screen.
Those are my new goals.
I suppose 'new' is a relative term. I've had some of these goals for awhile now.
So perhaps I should say I've newly renewed my dedication to them.
I keep being inspired by people around me.
1. My brother has lost all his eight and it seemed to go fairly easily for him (I'm sure it was hard work though)
2. My mom is on a diet (I suppose my thought is 'If she's loosing, I'm loosing')
3. My friends have started exercising (same as #2 if they are, then I am)
4. I have cute new hair... some how the hair makes me want to be... more girly? I rather like styling my hair and (brace your self Lindsay) doing my makeup. So I want a leaner face to go with the cute hair (weird inspiration I suppose) I think the hair is very complementary for my face but I think it could be better! (darn you alice!)
So that's my inspiration for #'s 1-3-4.
Further inspiration... My friends have been blogging a lot more lately and I know I've said before that I will start being more faithful to my writing... but I WILL THIS TIME! (see the list)
Also I currently like my job, I'm mean it has it's issues, what job doesn't. But it's not what I really want to be doing.
Thus we have reached #5.
I worked briefly in the pharmacy in C-pain wally, and suffice to say I LOVED it.
I think I would really like working in a pharmacy full time. To achieve that I've got to ya know.... finish school!!! So... as I said... #5.
Plus while taking said courses I can look into other fun ones (lit. or photo or ya know fun ones)
I might add more goals as time goes on.... definitely gonna update as things are achieved.
I guess these are kind of my resolutions. Sorta, but it's not really things that I'm only trying to achieve this year. They are just the things that I'm working on now.
So there we go. List of goals and my quest to achieve them.
(mission..... quest.......... thing. guess that leaves you out pip.) <---sorry but had too.
Also, the first goal is not the whole goal, just the first small step along the way. I'll update that later.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

In which I attempt...

I attempt to style my hair in fun and new ways... ok so this is just my first day styling it, still wanted it to be cute!

I don't think I did to bad really. I wish the photos came out better... poor lighting and while I kinda like the posing it is hard to take your own pictures.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

In which I finally conquer!

It's time!

Past time really.

I've been wanting to chop my hair for awhile now. And I do mean CHOP!

So.... FINALLY I've gotten it cut!

But just to fully demonstrate how ridiculous it was... before and after for you.

You see how LONG the hair was! I couldn't take it anymore!
And now the after!
inspired by Alice Cullen's hair in New Moon!

These photos aren't the greatest but I LOVE the hair... I can't wait to play with it!
Fun fun fun short new hair!
Oh I also got the eyebrows ripped out! They really needed it too!