The goal

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Oy Vey!

I just don't understand it.

My room.... which I admittedly spend a lot of time, takes approximately two minutes to get dirty. And I MEAN dirty. Like snap your neck your because there isn't anywhere to walk dirty.

Like things disappearing at random because it's so stuffed full of stuff....'n stuff.

It's crazy.

Happily I found the dvd's that I was missing.... and a few things that I forgotten I had.

So that's cool.

Now if only I had magic and was able to clean in that way.

Welp..... let's see how far I can get this time.


OH, and if you happen to hear a really loud crash... you might check that I'm still okay... just ya know to be on the safe side.

1 comment:

reen said...

You've already frightened the cat with all the crashing. Poor kitty.