The goal

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Oh how the time flies...

So my plan had been to update quickly about the fun craft projects that my mum and I did. And then......

Frankly I don't know what happened.

I do know I've been sick for almost a week now. That's not so much fun. But the thing is that it wasn't exactly something that kept me in bed unable to move or anything.

In fact I went wedding dress shopping with one of my friends, it was fun helping her find her dress. It's very pretty and is so her. None of us really thought she'd like it (L included) but it was exactly what she was looking for.

Before that we had one of our Friday night jam sessions! Always a good time.

And before that..... let's see I spent a day at my mum's school. Some of the other ladies who work there had been sick and they needed a stand in. It was actually pretty fun. Cute kids!

But that's just three days accounted for this past week. What else have I done with my time?? Nothing! Not one darn thing.

I guess I was just being lazy.

Well no more!!

Seeing as this has run somewhat long (me and all my excuses) I'll do another post following this.... FINALLY covering the craft projects!

Until then!

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