The goal

Friday, December 19, 2008

So I'm slacking...

It's not my fault! Really it's not. I mean when the same things happen day in and day out what is there to blog about? (I'm speaking in rhymes)

So I thought to my self *as I frequently do* "Self what can we possibly blog about?"

Then I visited some of my favorite bloggers and read what they are talking about.

Turns out it's pretty simple. Most were talking about what they are thankful for. Makes sense to me seeing as it's Christmas time, a very nostalgic time of year. Leads one to reminisce and well.... be thankful.

Why couldn't I have been so clever as to think of this on my own??

*sigh* Oh well at least the thought is there now right? Right!

So what am I thankful for.

My loving family, even if they do try and make me watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.

My loving friends, even if they are leaving me the only one in a very very single status.

Our warm home. Good food. Beautiful Christmas decorations. Funny blogs. Fun online friends. Holiday cheer. Cute holiday movies. Fun times shopping with my family. Happy memories of holidays past. Hopeful dreams of holidays to come.

I think my favorite christmas memory and sadly my memory is failing a bit so it's not even one hundred percent clear, is the one where we had a ton of snow. Or so it seemed at least! We lived in our house on Walnut street and there are 5 or 6 semi-steep stairs that lead to the front porch. We scooped all the snow to one side of the stairs and packed it down nice and smooth. It was perfect! A million times better than any hill. Don't get me wrong sledding down a huge hill with a nice snowbank at the bottom for you to plow into is always great fun. But those stairs... HEAVEN! We ran up and down them all day! You slid down them so fast and then you only had to run up a few stairs to sled back down again. No trudging up a hill that takes 5 minutes to reach the top of and only 5 seconds to sled down. Not to mention that snow, having been packed down lasted at least two days! The best idea ever!! Now I'm not saying go out and cover half of your stairs with snow... in all truth it's probably not the safest thing we've ever done.

But it was by far one of the most fun! I think that was also the year we kind of made an igloo... all the snow piled up from the drive being cleared we just tunneled in... but I'm not sure. But I DO know that sledding was AWESOME!

So... look at that. A nice long blog update. And not a picture to be seen. All it took was a little inspiration from some great blogger authors!

But don't let me have all the fun.... What's your holiday thankful list, wish list, favorite memory?

I bet you have fun just thinking about it!

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