The goal

Thursday, January 28, 2010

So close and yet... no cigar....

It may be hard to tell.... but I am getting really close to being done!!!! Isn't that exciting... you won't have to hear about my ridiculous room any more, or hear me whine about how I have too much and don't know where to put it all!
I can tell you are thrilled!
I am too!!
I was getting tired of writing about it....
actually I was more tired of having to clean it!
All that is left, and this may sound like a lot (but really it's not so much in comparsion) is to dust the shelves, sort books, vaccum (cause the swiffer isn't picking everything up... poor thing is only so mighty) and then make my bed with the nice clean sheets that I still have yet to wash.
So all in all just kinda minium stuff!
I am soooooo happy!
I can't wait to be finished!
Oh.... and I guess there is that mountain of clothes to wash downstairs... but that's not in the room any more so it doesn't totally count!


reen said...

uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, wait, what's that shiny brown thing down toward the bottom of the picture?

Brook Elise said...

floor? :P
my room is WAAAAAAAAAAAY worse. I can barely get the door open to get inside. I wish my mess were mostly books... that would be so EASY to deal with... but most of it is random stuff that I can't throw away so I just put somewhere, in hopes I'll deal with it later... and then never do. aaaaaaand I've got stacks of stuff that are almost as tall as me. so props to you!