The goal

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

In which I take the first step

I admit it.

I have an addiction.

I think this is not so much of a shock to anyone.

But still there are times when it hits me.... 'whoa, you have a serious problem!'

Today was one of those days.

I've been working on the room some more, this is a major project here people, I kept thinking it was just a matter of cleaning the room, it'll only take a couple of hours.... Oh how very wrong I was.

It'll only take a couple of YEARS!!

Ok slight exaggeration, but it will take a couple of days.

And that's just sad.

But I'm really hoping this will all be over by Friday.


(these are pictures of where the books are sitting until I can sort them and put them away properly..... if you'll notice none of these containers are small, also the very vast quantity, so sad. You know in a way that makes me secretly *maybe not so secret* happy sort of sad)


reen said...

Hey!!!! That one's mine!!

Akira_kin said...

Which one?!? There are so very very many!