The goal

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Ok so due to people having to work on actual Thanksgiving day my family had thanksgiving today! It was of course, wonderful!



Games-A Riot!

Time had-PRICELESS!!!

We also decorated my grandmother's christmas tree, loads of fun and loads of ornaments. I guess though that she's lead a very full happy life which leaves lots of great memories to be commemorated.

The only downer to this thanksgiving was even though we couldn't have it on the actual date because of work conflicts... there were still family members that couldn't make it. Sad :( but it was great none the less!

The other fun and wonderful thing that I did today was FINALLY getting to see 'Twilight'

Needless to say it was WONDERFUL!!!!

See my friend's blog for full details on why we didn't see it here... Suffice it to say I HATE stupid people!!! Sorry it's true... well.... I at least hate stupidity!!

Not that anyone would doubt it being great, I'm sure! It was just great to finally see it! We've read the books and they are such extremely well written books that when word was out that there was to be a movie we were STOKED!

The movie is a masterpiece!! It's so well done! Not only is it beautiful (hard not to be when in such a lush environment) but it's got some really great acting. They did a great job staying true to the book, it followed it nearly to the letter. If you've seen the book it's a whopper. So for the director and screenplay writer to condense it into a 2 hour movie is in it's self quite the feat. The only way in which it deviated was some small added in parts and they were done in such a way that it was as if it could have been written in anyway.

All in all a GREAT movie!

Only downer to the movie was what we went through the night before(not the movie's fault) and the theater where we saw(yes same place that gave us so much guff) had a few problems with their projector. The reel cut out two (almost three) times. Once was during the previews, not a big deal other than the fear that the movie wouldn't be playing, but the second was during the actual film. But they got it up and running again in no time and nothing was lost for the mishap.
The almost third time was during the credits and most people don't even stay around for those(my friend and I do though and I would have been a little bummed) but it didn't so no harm no foul.

So suffice it to say... My Thanksgiving was great and I have a TON to be thankful for.

(Can't wait for the actual day... I think the other side of the fam is getting together.... I do love my Thanksgiving meals!!!)


SlvrGrndM99 said...

Girl, you need a digi cam so we coulda seen pics of the food and tree!!! I got my tree decorated, but haven't taken pics, yet, haha. Our lights are up, too!

Akira_kin said...

I was really really surprised that my mom didn't have her camera with her. So sorry no pics... I was kinda disappointed too.

Can't wait to see your pics! Did Brad have to face the bitter cold??? Or did you get the pleasure?? Maybe you shared??