The goal

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Horrah for me!!

That's right this is all about the greatness of me....

Ok you caught me.

It's not all about the greatness of me... I'm not so sure that type of statement can even apply to me. I mean seriously... Greatness of ME?!?! I think not.

But to get back on track here... I do feel very 'horrah for me' right now, not so much of anything I did. No no no... it's because of what I now get to do.

That's right kiddies... I have a job!! FINALLY!!! I know, I know... I've taken my sweet time about it! Ok not entirely my fault. I've applied at multiple places and they just didn't show an interest. But (and thanks goes to many people for this) Stevens Industries Inc. wants me and I'm excited!

Thanks Lily for perjuring your self on my behest. Thanks Stevens people for wanting me in the first place. And.... Well.... Heck why not thanks to me huh?? I mean I'm the one that had to keep applying her self even though she kept receiving rejections... and I had to pass that stupid pee test, that's right no drugs for me!!! By the by I HATE those things... It's not so much the having to pee it's that guys are much more equipped for that sort of thing. And well let's face it, they are a little teeny tiny bit embarrassing. But ya know what?? It's worth it!!

Cause I have a job!!

I have A job!!

I HAVE a job!!!

I have a JOB!!! I don't think there are any other ways to express my excitement over the whole thing.

I can go out and randomly buy clothes now if the need strikes me.

I can pay for more schooling... which ick but it's a necessary evil.

I can even save up all my money and maybe one day buy my self something real real nice!

The options are limitless!

My excitement knows no bounds.


But we'll see how I feel after the first few days... I've been out of the work loop for a while.

And then we'll see how I feel in about six months.


I have a job!

Now if only that really great guy would get around to introducing himself....................


reen said...

Why doesn't anyone ever thank there mom's anymore? sniff.
I paid for the shoes.

reen said...



SlvrGrndM99 said...

I'm so glad you're excited!!! I just hope you are as excited after a week, LOL. Nah, I don't think it'll be that bad, and you'll be around Linda, and I'm not too far away. Oh, I think Linda has to stay over next week and learn a new clamp, so I'll probably be picking you up. :o) She's got to find out from Robbie, tonight. He's your supervisor. He's pretty nice if you're on his good side... so get on his good side!