The goal

Friday, March 4, 2011

Just being a little vain here

I mean it's not like I created the background or header....

But can I just say that I am seriously loving both! They are so awesome! In my oh so humble opinion.

My room is essentially clean, I need some more storage type things... or I need to figure out how to re-organize things so everything fits.

But what I really really want to do still.... Paint!!! I really want to get this room painted!

However I want to wait for some really nice days when I can open the windows up so the fumes don't harm anyone, and I need at least a couple of days off so I can... well... paint.

But until I can finish the make over to my room, which is almost finished, I happily look at my made over blog. It tides me over.

This blog post by the way.... has been entirely pointless.

Just me babbling to relieve the pressure of having flown through my Medical Terminology Midterm. Which I got a 90% on thanks very much.

Anywho, lates!


reen said...

Congrats on the 90% and thanks for not poisoning me! Although....
And the blog, I think the words should be bigger on the tag. Just my opinion.

Akira_kin said...

tag?? huh??

MUA Lindsay said...

She's talking about the banner thingee at the top, where it says "Inside my Head". :-)

Looks great girly. And a big congrats on the Midterm! Almost done!!!