The goal

Saturday, May 28, 2011

It's been a wild one

So this week has been something else.

Let's start with the good news.

Lost 2.2 lbs, super excited about that.

Found out that my petition (that I didn't actually petition) has approved and I now get money for my summer courses!! Really super excited about that!


Okay that might be all the good news....

Oh wait! Got gas for $3.78!! Guy at the pump next to me was chatting me up, which was weird but hey.... and the very best news of all, although not for other people? It went up the next day. Yay good timing! At least for me!

Oh and Friday was jean day! So yeah got to wear jeans to work! (really good thing as I didn't do laundry and was out of khakis)

I think that really is all of the good news.

We had that crazy storm front go through.... I mean seriously how insane was that thing? It was stretched almost entirely top to bottom across the US. How nutty is that?! We didn't really have any damage. In fact I don't think any damage. Some poor flowers lost their petals but that would have happened anyway.

Work has been crazy, people stocking up on lanterns and oil and ice and just about everything else under the sun because they were with out power. And then they all came back to buy tons of stuff for Memorial Day weekend! Nuts I tell ya nuts! You hardly get a break, and you go home tired!

So I was a bit naughty this week on WW because I haven't been logging my food... and I've been dessert crazy. But I have since corrected the matter. That's right, like a good kid I went back and logged everything that I ate! Because well..... I do better when I see those numbers staring me down.

And now today (Saturday) me and the rents are going to go to Charleston, because we just can't stay home.

And that's the long and short of it.

Hope you had a good week!


1 comment:

Linda S said...

Jeans Day Rocks! and yay on the 2.2~ way to go!