The goal

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Again I am a slacker

So I was 'hired' to clean!! That's right I'm going to be a maid (really it's a job and I NEED one!)

But this darned beautiful snow.

Don't get me wrong I love snow! I mean I really love it! I would enjoy watching it fall all day long, but it makes it hard to get out. Heck even my poor brother couldn't get more than two car lengths down the drive. So how am I supposed to get my cleaning gig?? Huh!!

That's right! I can't! So I shall instead, sit here in the comfort of our home and try and find ways to entertain my self. Movies, games perhaps, internet and always the ol' standby reading.

So yeah, I'm slacking.... but I have too! Nature dictates it.


SlvrGrndM99 said...

Clean where?!

Akira_kin said...

Lilo's, you want to hire me too?? Cause I'll do it! I had a small list of possible prices for certain jobs, and it would be me coming out 2/3 times a week, or as often as needed. I'll either get that from her or see if I can't get her to send it too you.

At most even if you chose everything I think it was around 50 and that included possible shopping or you.

Anyway she was wanting me to clean her kitchen and living room. Hard to do when you can get out of your house ya know