The goal

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A very feeble 'yippee' for me...

So today... last night?!?! How to put it... I guess last night.

So last night at work was much better.

No shouting matches!
My 'job' was switched a little.
And I got to know the guys I work with a little better.

For precaution, I took some Back and Body pain meds before going to try and help the minor soreness I was experiencing. It really did the trick. I felt really good when I got to work. Ready to go!

Did a lot of the same stuff, but now, as per Robbie's ( supervisor ) orders I'm to mainly put in shelves and drawers. So really I rarely and I do mean rarely have to hang doors. And oddly enough my favorite kind to deal with were the corner cabinet doors. You only have to shove the top three and bottom hinges together, no adjusting the door... no screws involved. Not so bad really. (Their downfall is that they are again really tall doors) So pretty much everything else was clips, shelves, a few screws, maybe a short door or two and even fewer big doors.

All in all not so bad of a night.

We also had quite a bit of down time tonight, a drill broke... or something (???) Anyway due to that we had time to pretty much just sorta chat and try and look busy. You know, sweeping, filling bins, taking out the trash... that sort of thing. Anyway got to know them all a little better. Which is nice. Now I don't feel so awkward.

Ah... but the result of such a night...... MY LEGS ARE KILLING ME!!!! My lower back too... but only a little. I haven't done this much squatting in... oh yeah... NEVER!!!

So very very sore. And rather worn out. My last cabinet was just going south in a hurry. I didn't hardly have the energy to raise the shelves into their clips. It was rather sad. But I got them all in and then it was time to go!! Horrah!!! (Oops, did I leave the doors and locks for someone else to put in??? Yeah I did, but the guys told me it was ok... *in my defense*)

So now, I'm typing this up while I'm still up. I am going to try and go see about setting the timer to record the inauguration *sigh*, take some more back and body drugs and Off to la la land I go!!!

Hopefully tomorrow will go even better... *fingers crossed*


SlvrGrndM99 said...

So glad all went well!

You might check into changing your time stamp on the entries. I don't think it's correct. :o) It's under Settings> Format> Time Zone.

SlvrGrndM99 said...

Yea, I totally didn't leave that at 9:10, it's 11:10, LOL. And I gots to go dries mes hair!

Akira_kin said...

All fixed!! I never even noticed.