The goal

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The best laid plans...

Anyone who knows me, probably knows exactly how reliable I am.

Well I guess I should qualify that... I can be extremely reliable when it comes to certain matters.

But then on others...... well.....

I've had several plans ruminating in this ol' noggin of mine. And this past Saturday I put another one in there. I came up with an idea for a scrapbook type of project. I really want to make these things!!! (And no I won't say what it is... there are people out there who it WILL remain a surprise for!) Thing is... I have several other things I need to do before I can do the fun things.

So here is what I do. I make lists... lots of lists.

Current list:

Edit Jess' paper. --- Dishes at Sarah's.

Clean room. --- Call Walmart.

Clean anything. --- Clean for Cheryl.

Work on story. --- Work on scraping project.

You see my problem. I make a list and just don't follow through.

Ok so I've started a couple of them. But..... I can almost guarantee that the entire list won't get finished.

Ah if only I was more reliable. What are ya gonna do??

ps. called walmart since writing this.... the whole process is just dumb!! Makes me not want to job.... well almost.

p.p.s oooh!! Look at that!!! One more item off the list!!!

1 comment:

reen said...

I think a good GOAL to add to your list would be to write and ESSAY for your MOTHER.