The goal

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'm a bad bad kid...

well... not sooo bad.

Just a little naughty.

Haven't walked with Lindsay since Saturday because of rain, my work and her work and doctor's appointments. Walked Monday with mom in the rain, didn't walk with her Tuesday because of moving and walked with her today. So just a little naughty there.

Haven't logged the food in a day or two.... very naughty in that regard.

Was planning on cleaning on my days off, I'm sure you can imagine how that went.

I just have a knack for talking my self out of things like that. I keep saying, ok at 10am you'll go get hampers and start your laundry.... ok at 11am you'll go get hampers and start your laundry... ok at noon you'll eat lunch and then go get hampers and start laundry... and on and on it goes.

What can I say, it's a skill.

So I've been bad in that way too.

Bad bad bad Kara!

But I admit my faults.... accept them for what they are... and now I choose to work on them and move on.

Hampers were gotten and laundry was collected and is currently in the wash.

In fact I hear the machine beeping at me as I write this. So I'll have to go downstairs and finish that in just a bit.

Walking/jogging with the Lindsay-kinz tomorrow morning FINALLY! Unfortunately have to miss the walk with the momma cause she's going to a meeting for work and I have to work in the evening so we'll miss each other.

I WILL keep track of my food because tomorrow is another day.

And the room will get some more cleaning done to it! I swear it will.

I really would love to be able to paint it next week when I have two days off together. Most likely won't happen but it would be awesome. Not really sure when that's going to happen. There are a couple of other things I want to have done around the time I paint and I really don't know when that's going to get done so we'll see.

Must get self in better gear!!! I've been doing pretty well with blogging and the weight loss and the exercising. Now if I could just stay 100% consistent with everything that would be about just right.

In other news....

Was kind of shopping online (more browsing than anything) went to nikeplus to look for a sensor holder for my new sneakers.

Did I mention that I had purchased new running shoes, I had a pair that were in the style that I wanted but were old and somewhat painful (worn down, caused blisters, not nice) so I really wanted new shoes. I really really wanted a pair that had the sensor spot built in (nikes) didn't find anything like that, but I found some that I really liked. So I've been struggling with how to use the sensor.

Found out on the walk with mom Monday that the sensor MUST be flat to function properly. Walked the same walk with her today as I did Monday and it was a good deal 'longer', The time was about the same but the distance Monday was .20 miles, today 1.8 miles. GAH! It was the exact same walk!

Ok back to the shopping story. Was looking online for a holder for the sensor, they sell those ya know, so I wouldn't run into the problem of wrong distances again and fell in love with a pair (or two) of shoes on the site.

I just bought my running shoes at payless. They are wonderful. I don't need new shoes, plus the Nike shoes are at least $80. That's just higher than I want to spend typically. I mean it's not horrible but..... I just bought new shoes. Then again the nike shoes have the sensor spot built in. AND they are described as being the closest you can get to running barefoot. O.O

If you know me you know what a big deal that is for me! I love being barefoot! It's my foot's preferred state of being. So free!! So that would be... heaven!! Ah what a twisted horrible world it is we live in.

Sweet innocent girls like me are forced to choose between the ultimate shoe and the hard earned money she earns!!!!


Ok ok it's not that bad. But seriously, I do wish I hadn't seen those shoes... or that I had looked at them before I purchased my other shoes. That's what I get for not doing my homework I guess.

Ok best go finish some laundry and get my self to bed. I have to get up to walk with Lindsay!

'New leaf' and all that.


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