The goal

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I work hard for my skinny...

I'll admit it. I'm not a fitness-guru.

This is not a shock to anyone who knows me.

And really you see that weight tracker up above... shouldn't be a shock to you either.

I tend to fluctuate between feeling good and ready to go, to feeling like down and ready to sit down and read a good book.. who needs to be seen when they can happily live in the world of books.

Ok I'm not that extreme, but there are definitely days.

Today was a half-n-half day. Woke up ready to go, felt alright while walking.

Now I'm glad I did it, but man I wish I didn't have to.

It's very emotional loosing this weight. Not like I've struggled with inner demons and won type of emotional. But emotional none the less.

But maybe that's just all part and parcel of changing my self.It's not just outer looks but inner mind set. And man do I have a lazy mind set.

I've no doubt that if I keep doing what I know I should be doing, I'll eventually get to where it's not a struggle at all.

But right now.... The lazy is sort of winning.

So Lindsay and I are doing what's called c25k, meaning couch potato to a 5k runner.

Ooohhhhhoooooo man... I.... there... it's like I can't describe it. I mean... I can kind of do it, but honestly there is nothing like a minute jog to slap you full across the face and say "wake up idiot, you are wicked out of shape!". Seriously, the first minute I was, well alright I guess. The second I was getting by. The third? I'm not even sure I was able to run it all. And there are count 'em nine, that's right nine stinking jogs! Isn't that just mean.

I probably could have done better if it were jog 30 seconds, but nope, jog a minute.

(by the way you have NO idea how many times I've typed job instead of jog while writing this)

I'm proud of us for trying and at least "moving" during the whole thing. But I just don't know.

It really kicked my butt. C25k wins! And another thing is... I know people who are doing much harder work outs than me... and they are winning... maybe it's difficult, but they are winning. It's a little discouraging.

Having said that, I still want to keep going, I just think that maybe we'll have to tone it down a little. I've got a magazine (looks to the bedroom door hoping the mag will flap it's way to me......


And it has a similar idea for turning yourself into a jogger, but instead of walk 1.5 minutes, jog 1 minute repeat NINE times. It says to walk 4 minutes, jog 1 minute repeat 4 or 5 times (can't remember) I think this I could do. I think four minutes would just about be enough time for me to get my breathing under control and heart rate back down so I can start all over.

I think that's what I want to try. Now if only I can talk Lindsay into it..... (plots schemes for convincing Lindsay)

Gonna go attempt to stretch my leg muscles out...


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