The goal

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Week One, here we go!

Monday morning; begining of jogging program.

Here are some awesome tune clues for you!

5 minute warm up: 'We built this city' by Starship
-1 minute jog: 'I got a feeling' by Blackeyed Peas
* 4 minute walk: 'Viva la Vida' by Coldplay
-1 minute jog: 'Hips don't lie' by Shakira feat. Wycliff
* 4 minute walk: 'Glamorous' by Fergie
-1 minute jog: 'Here it goes' by Ok Go!
* 4 minute walk: 'You found me' by The Fray
-1 minute jog: 'Dance,dance' by fallout boy
* 4 minute walk: 'Ain't no other man' by Christina Aguilera
-1 minute jog: 'Pump it' by Blackeyed Peas
5 minute cool down: 'Don't stop 'til you get enough' by Michael Jackson

Now obviously those minute songs... well the originals are just one minute long. We just edited the songs for the part we thought would be the most energy inducing.

Thanks to a wonderful program that Lindsay's got called garage band for helping us to mix this.. and had we had more time (cough apparently i got over my indecision when it came to music) we could have done vocal cues to help us to know when to jog and such... maybe next time we'll do that. But I like it! Very fun and some of the songs just make you want to shake your booty!

I'm gonna see about posting the actual podcast so others can check it out if they want. (probably not but hey you never know)

We are now ready for our first week of becoming joggers!! The only thing I'm missing is my Nike+ sensor. Thing is awesome! Syncs up to your ipod and it tells you how quickly you are walking, tells you calories burned and well all kinds of jazz... and then you input that info to the Nikeplus site and you can link your walk/jog with your routes you can program and then you can see how you did on your walk in real life!! That's just so cool! (at least to me it is!) I've ordered one and I just can't wait for it to get here!! Come on Nike!! Don't let a kid down.

Aight, gonna go celebrate mother's day with the fam now.

Happy Mother's day to all you mother's out there!


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