The goal

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Two things

Ok so... due to wanting to wait for my Nike sensor to begin the running process, well let's just say that things are on hold just for another day or two.

Happily I do believe that it's supposed to be here tomorrow. Supposed to be. We'll see when tomorrow arrives.

Another happy note I've lost my 10%!!! I am so pumped about it!

I really want to be able to set another 10% weight goal on the ww site but I couldn't seem to figure it out, well not with out resetting my weight history. I don't want that because I still want to be able to see just how far I've come and I don't think I'd be able to if I reset.

Guess I've got to be happy with what I've got. I am thrilled that I've come as far as I have.

So real quick run down of re-evaluation of the goals.

-Start the jogging with Lindsay
-Lose another 10% (onderland!)
-Run 5k with Lindsay (distance)
-Reach current weight goal 172
-Run in an actual 5k with Lindsay

That be them!! Thems the goals. Totally gonna happen!



SlvrGrndM99 said...

You didn't tell me that! Congrats!!! You're 1/3 of the way there!!! Yippie!!!

I wish you could set goals on WW, too. I hope to see that durn 5# thing soon. I should have 'cheated' and put in my doctor's visit weight, like on my blog, then I would have saw it, haha.

Akira_kin said...

You'll see if before you know it! But I know what you mean. If that's the starting weight you are going by in your head maybe you should change it on the site. Nothing wrong with that.

Thanks thanks for the congrats, Yup pretty excited. And seeing as I kind of thought I'd be there the last two weeks I'm glad I finally made it!