The goal

Saturday, June 12, 2010


It's hot.

It's been hot.

It's going to continue to be hot.

Newton opened their new pool today. Free swim day.

I want to go.

I have no swimsuit.

I have no one who wants to go with me. (they want to swim just not with other people)

I have to work at 3.

It's hot.

I'm sad.

And hot.




Linda S said...

after my hot flash yesterday in Marshalls, I can relate! :)

reen said...

well that was just pathetic...
I'll so swimming with you some time, just not without a swimming suit!

reen said...

GO, I meant Go.

Brook Elise said...

dude I would totally go swimming with you! if I were in Newton lol

Akira_kin said...

It was hot.... what more can I say.

And no one wants to go with me, until next year when they are going to be skinny....

Honestly like people haven't seen heavy people before, or haven't been heavy before, or aren't heavy now....

Other people are being to self conscious to worry about how good/bad you look. At least that's true of me.

Thank you Brook for at least being willing!! You bring Marie with you and we'll all go sometime!